[quote=@Sep] [@Retired] Something I'd suggest that I used to do in my bigger games, was a 'Post of the Month'. As GMS we went through and picked what we felt (for some reason or other) the best post of the month, couldn't be the same person twice within a four month period though (to keep it revolving). Gave players something to strive toward, a goal to get better. Not saying MB should do it here, just an idea.[/quote] Actually, we used to do something sorta similar back on the Hype boards that I grearly enjoyed: RPG specific awards. We'd get a bunch of categories, wait for an IC thread to hit anywhere from 200 to 500 posts (usually 500) and let the players vote on each category. Like, Best Hero, Best Post, Best Fight, ect. It was a good way of boosting poster morale and kissing ass.