[center][img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/7e8f/th/pre/f/2015/141/a/e/cosmos_14___spaceport_by_grivetart-d8u6c1l.jpg[/img][/center] [color=0076a3]"So that's her, huh?"[/color] [color=a0410d]"Seems like it, Ma'am."[/color] [color=0076a3]"Hah, these humans sure know how to make unimpressive looking ships."[/color] [color=a0410d]"Well,"[/color] The Antathalon shifted his stance slightly, gazing at the ship that had finally been completed. [color=a0410d]"It's the work of all the best techniques of the Confederacy. Human ingenuity, Myrkith durability, and Elvish magic."[/color] He observed the ship, watching several of the techs and engineers finish their final check on the systems. [color=0076a3]"ECS Stellaria. Not a very impressive name, either."[/color] [color=a0410d]"Heh, I think she looks like any other ship. Could out maneuver anything the Myrkith could come up with, Ma'am."[/color] [color=0076a3]"Remains to be seen, Erka."[/color] The Belethus leaning over the railing, stood up, boots making a heavy thud as she began walking from the observation area down to the deck. Normally Belethus didn't wear clothing so much - it wasn't like they had any obvious sexual characteristics, and wearing clothes were also needless to them. Their exoskeleton was far more durable than any clothing could ever hope to be. In an effort to normalize and fit in with others of the Confederacy though, it was required all Myrkith involved with off-world activities had to conform in some manner. Not that she minded - human military outfits were standard and functional enough. [color=0076a3]"Looks like a standard C-class Railgun would tear right through it."[/color] [color=a0410d]"Remains to be seen, Ma'am."[/color] The Antathalon replied, earning a small chuckle from his superior. [color=0076a3]"I suppose that is true,"[/color] She said, walking down the stairs to the dock, passing a few other humans along the way. [color=0076a3]"I'm surprised you agreed to go after retiring."[/color] [color=a0410d]"Well Ma'am...Civilian life isn't all it's cracked up to be."[/color] He followed her down, moving past a small crowd of people on the stairwell. [color=a0410d]"Besides, I'd get a chance to work under the 'Scarath' of Rakshath again. No one would be stupid enough to turn down that request."[/color] [color=0076a3]"Humph. Well...lets hope this mission goes better than that one."[/color] She stopped, feet hitting the ground as she stared up at the ship in front of her. [color=0076a3]"Might as well see how well she looks on the inside."[/color] Nodding, the Antathlon followed his superior up to the ship, walking in through the cargo bay, taking a brief tour of the ship before getting underway. [hr] [color=0076a3]"So this is the command center...Bridge, the humans call it?"[/color] She mused, standing on a slightly elevated platform in the center of a large room surrounded by several chairs and workstations where people would be filling in soon enough by a skeleton crew. Directly in front of her was a holographic display of the planet - Terra, where she ship was being built, and was giving her and the crew much needed information regarding the environment. When traveling, it was supposed to give a readout of the current surroundings after a cursory scan. A few steps ahead of her was where the pilots would be working - why a ship this size needed two pilots was beyond her, but Erka was already familiarizing himself with the controls of the Stellaria while they waited for the others to show up. Walking down from the platform, she scooped up several dossiers laying on a table, flipping briefly through the pages as she walked. Three elves, three Myrkith, and three Humans. Two pilots, three engineers, a Medical officer, Biologist for that garden and...Friendmaker. She grimaced at the word. Elves were a confusing bunch - far too overly friendly, but their tech was useful in some way, even if they themselves had no regular uses for it. She rubbed the side of her head, exhaling and closing the dossiers as she stepped into the elevator. Cowards, the lot of them, the elves were. Hardly a military to speak of, no military training possible...it was mind boggling to most of the Myrkith who while tended to be tightly united under their leaders, still had infighting from time to time over different ideologies and methods. Mind mindbogglingly foolish and weak. At least the humans could be respected in some manner, even if they were still just as odd to her even after spending years learning their various cultures and society. Divided as they were most of the time, they still managed to act as a united force. Curious, to say the least that had many Myrkith scholars and thinkers questioning a number of things. Well, no matter. She walked into the captains quarters as soon as the doors to the elevator opened, placing the dossiers on a nearby table and walking over to the mirror. Had to look her best for when her crew arrived, after all.