[h1][center][color=f26522][b]Milo Ventri[/b][/color][/center][/h1] [hr][hr] [center][h2]Monday morning[/h2] Final Round Armory, Harbor district[/center] [hr][hr] Milo sat at the table in his shop, set in front of him was a Colt nineteen eleven handgun, the gun was striped and he was in the process of cleaning and organizing it before setting into a few modifications. This was the first gun he worked on since getting his full certification, and the requests were piling, the sport shooting scene was getting big in a few places, and he had a few friends in those circles that when the news got out about him being licensed, they started flocking. Milo pulled out his cell phone and clicked a speed dial number before turning on the speaker and setting it down. [color=00aeef]"You do realize the time right?"[/color] Ana's voice came from the telephone sounding a bit groggy. [color=f26522]"Don't give me that noise night owl, I was up five hours ago and I know it's noon in Delta."[/color] Milo said with a laugh. [color=00aeef]"Yeah but I work at night, so noon is like six A.M. to me, what exactly are you calling about anyway? Don't tell me, let me guess..."[/color] the phone went silent for a moment and Milo quit working and just looked at the phone waiting. [color=00aeef]"Paige's phone is off isn't it?" [/color] Milo laughed, [color=f26522]"She had some very important meeting, told me she would have it off, but no, not why I called."[/color] Milo got serious for a moment, [color=f26522]"Everything been okay back home?"[/color] Ana paused, [color=00aeef]"What did you do Milo?"[/color] Milo felt the words hit him in the chest, she always can tell when something isn't right and this time, it was no different. [color=f26522]"There have just been some things happening here, not great things, I have been trying to help Paige with her case..."[/color] before he could finish she cut him off. [color=00aeef]"You aren't a cop Milo, she is, she has authority you don't. Whatever you are doing, stop, let Paige handle it, you will just mess up a good thing."[/color] Ana sounded concerned, she knew Milo as well as anyone, his head was not the decision maker most of the time. [color=f26522]"I can't let her do it alone..."[/color] [color=00aeef]"Milo, if you get in the mix you will only get hurt or in trouble, then she is alone anyway."[/color] Ana was always the one to diffuse bad situations, but Milo didn't know if her words would get through this time. [color=00aeef]"You called to see if things were ok, what happened to make you do that?"[/color] the question was loaded, he knew it, but lying to her wasn't going to work. [color=f26522]"I may have burned down a bar that a crime lord liked with homemade thermite grenades."[/color] [color=00aeef]"... Well, A plus for creativity, but I mean they wouldn't..."[/color] [color=f26522]"And then we tortured the owner into ratting on his colleagues then dumped him in a ditch."[/color] Milo finished and sat in silence for a substantial time, [color=f26522]"You... Still there Ana?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Be careful Milo, you two are getting into something bad out there, I don't want the next time I see you guys to be at your funerals."[/color] Milo hung his head a little, he had worried about the same issues himself, [color=f26522]"Don't worry, I will do whatever I can to make things work here."[/color] The two chit chatted over smaller topics for a bit longer, catching up over the recent events, however the feeling of dread didn't leave, Milo knew he was in the deep end of things, but despite Ana's warning, despite his own better judgement, he wouldn't stand idly by as Paige deals with it all. [hr][hr] [center][h2]Monday afternoon[/h2][/center] [center]Frying Nemo's[/center] [hr][hr] Milo took a short break to get out and try to get some food, and the only thing he felt like was fish, there was a dozen good places, but Nemo's seemed to be his preferred choice at this point. Milo pulled his truck into the parking lot and stepped out, he had a lot of work to do but he had time to spend anyway, as he entered the restaurant and sat at a table, he looked out the window, this town was feeling less alien day by day, never was fun uprooting, you never really feel settled in. The food soon came to the table, it was piping hot and fresh out of the fryer, so her let it cool a bit and sipped on a cup of coffee, as he took this moments reprieve from his day to day business life. He looked at his phone a few times, no new messages, hopefully everything was going well with Paige, maybe she got what she wanted and was just rushing off to stop them, Milo sighed and sat back, that would be the smart thing, leave him behind and do it alone, it wasn't like he really could do anything, just get in the way or get himself in trouble. Milo wanted to be more helpful in all of this mess, he was the reason she even got involved after all. [@Pilatus]