[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmI1MjRmZi5RVzVoYzNSaGMybGhJRUpzWVdOcmQyVnNiQSwsLjA,/stingray.regular.png[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m495spez4T1rrxn1yo1_500.gif[/img][/center] She didn’t know what would be instore for them but she also didn’t want to risk the idea of being left behind. As the male looked to her, telling her to lead the way, she gave a small nod and led him off to the front of the hospital. There, she stopped for a moment, going off to a side desk where one of the security had abandoned to go help the nurses and pulled out a small key before nodding for him to begin following her once more. Soon the two made it out the hospital finding that it was surprisingly quiet and peaceful despite what all was going on just on the other wing of the hospital. [color=a187be]“It seems like..just some weird illusion..”[/color] She murmured finally before shaking her head and glancing to the male. Sighing softly, Anastasia walked up to one of the golf carts and quickly slid in, starting it up. As soon as Conner got in she took off, swiftly driving into the small path that led to the wing they had just managed to escape. [color=a187be]“My car is on the opposite side but i figured with yours being a police car it would be the better idea to take yours.”[/color] She murmured gently, taking a small moment to shove the duffle bags into the back of the cart once she was finally able to get them off from being strapped around her. [color=a187be]“I wish we could have helped them out..but right now it seems like this is a survival situation we would have ended up being caught up in it all and possibly dying.”[/color] She muttered, glancing to him for a moment before her gaze shifted to see a few stray people running out of the Trauma wings doors. With a nervous gasp, she quickly sped up before glancing over to the row of cars. [color=a187be]“Which one is yours?”[/color] She asked nervously as they got closer to the source of it all. Suddenly Ana screamed out as a body slammed hard into the hood of the golf cart. Her eyes were wide with fear as she swerved awkwardly continuing to scream out in fear as the undead creature hung onto the cart. [hider=CaptianSully]No worries at all dear i completely understand! I hope you had fun![/hider]