[color=gray][center][right][i]Pranks are best done from the shadows.[/i][/right] [img]https://i.imgur.com/lNnPcGc.png?1[/img][/center][hr] [indent][indent] As he traveled through the village, saying hello to the villagers as he passed them by, they never seemed to judge him despite the fact that he was a half-demon. They found out long before Rai knew it himself. Even if he had feelings, growing up without any memory of where his real parents were, who they were, what kind of demons they were, there had always been something that tugged at Raiko, pushing him into the direction of his demonic heritage. But, he had been too afraid to seek out those answers. In Seiki, nobody looked at him differently. Fear and hatred ruled the land and in it were demonphobes, the kind of people who, without even knowing them, they would treat them unfairly. However, that wasn’t the case in Seiki. Here, Rai felt safe. Despite his pranking nature and how, on occasion, he would mistreat some of the animals and annoy some of the more rigid members of Seiki Village, in the end, his antics didn’t matter. In the end, Rai was loved and respected. The villagers would die for him and he for them. The wind passed though Rai’s silver hair as he soared through the forest that separated him from the village. He preferred to live close to the forest and the rigid villagers did as well. The thing that he loved most about the amount of trees near Seiki was how easy he found it to hop from one tree branch to the other, effortlessly hopping and gaining traction and speed as his nimble form traveled freely through the open air. Though, he did come to a stop about a few rows of tall trees away from the village. This particular tree he stopped at gave him the perfect view of Ren, who was picking some cherry blossoms. [color=b5484b][i]Time to have some fun.[/i][/color] Rai snickered as he would continue to the village. Right before he entered it, he activated his preferred method of sneaking around: his Shadow Skin, a special demonic ability that allowed him to temporarily blend in with any surroundings by manipulating his demonic energy to appear invisible. He couldn’t maintain it for that long, though he knew that based off of the distance between where he was at the moment of activating it and where the tree was, he knew he could make it in time. And so he was off. His body blended into the background of the village and he zipped past all villagers. Quickly he scaled the tree. Fortunately for him, any shaking he caused could easily be explained by the wind that had picked up due to the cloud over Serpent Mountains. As soon as he was in the tree, as silently as Rai could, he was just a few feet above Ren. Placing his legs perfectly on the branch, like a bat, he dropped down to where he was upside down to Ren’s upright form. He achieved this at the right moment because his Shadow Skin had faded. As soon as it did, he was visible and he let his sudden appearance do all of the talking.[/indent][/indent][/color]