[center]Base of the Baeshri Hills not Far from the Southen Trading Route[/center] [center]7:30 pm[/center] The breeze in the air gave a sense of false pleasantness as Ellorei wiped sweat from her brow. Currently, she was staring into the eyes of a maw hound with his pack not far behind him. Ellorei stood in between the hound and a group of human children not even teenagers playing in the meadow. Thankful that the shades of the trees hid her and the hounds from the sight of the children and adults that also had to be close by, Ellorei wanted to attempt to diffuse the situation that was no doubt about to unfold. A life was a life, end of discussion and in this case, she was also protecting the hounds as much as the unsuspecting human children. Ellorei's eyes never left the maw hounds compelling the creature that attacking these children would result in the death of his pack. Which, was a very real threat, it took very little excuse for an adventuring party to seek out and destroy wildlife that was seemingly a threat. Minutes ticked by as the sun began set changing the light to a more glowing ember. Behind her, Ellorei could hear the children's voices dimming. Meaning they were leaving, returning to where ever they belonged. Still locked in a battle of wills, Ellorei sent one last plea to the creature, "Just go and live, there are other sources of food."