[center]Baeshri Hills[/center] A man with a bark mantle and fur cloak set across his shoulders stepped in from the denser forests. He walked right between the two and turned to look straight at the maw beasts. They were slavering, the rows of teeth in their gaping maws were twitching excitedly. The force the poor druid here was using was working but only just enough. He looked at the beast in the front sternly and addressed it like it were another human. "Hungry are we? Well, we aren't an easy meal." He turned briefly to look at the druid behind him. She was one of the youngest druids he had ever seen. "Are we?" He smiled and a transcendent calm settled across the area. A small blue bird found itself relaxed enough to settle on his shoulder even in the midst of the drama. The elder druid turned back to the hounds. Several started to close their maws and look down and around. They seemed to be disappointed. Several of the pack turned away, ready to leave. The man chuckled and pointed off into the forest. "Go back to your grounds, food is waiting." He suggested. It was obvious that he was using magic to speak to them, it seemed like it wasn't altogether necessary for him to even speak out loud but he did it nonetheless. The supernatural calm started to lift from their senses. The man let out a weary sigh before he addressed the young druid. "Strange circumstances to meet a new person. It's always better when there is peace in a meeting. Then again, a dramatic circumstance makes a meeting like this all the more memorable and exciting." His green eyes practically sparkled when he grinned. He swapped his staff to his left hand so he could use the other, extending it to handshake the young woman. "The name's Rem."