[color=gray][center][right][i]The early bird gets the worm; the late flower gets the dirt[/i][/right] [img]https://i.imgur.com/lNnPcGc.png?1[/img][/center][hr] [indent][indent][color=b5484b]“Yeah but your reaction would’ve been worth it,”[/color] Rai teased Ren, giving her a cheeky grin. Rai stayed hanging upside down, simply watching Ren as she carefully gathered the rest of the cherry blossoms that she was originally doing before he decided to spook her. Even though it would’ve been hilarious to see her fall down, Rai was glad she didn’t, though she wouldn’t have been in any real danger. Rai was quick and nimble and was in the perfect position to catch her if she fell out of the tree. She should’ve known by now that, should she fall down, Rai would be there to always catch her. Around him, though it might seem like it to others, she was in the right hands. An entertained smirk suddenly replaced his cheeky grin as Ren wanted to race to the village. He allowed her to get a few yards ahead of him before he allowed his legs to free-fall his body down the tree. After that, he swung himself off the branch closest to the ground and glided in the air until he would use his stealth and other means to make his own way to the village. These sorts of races they did were only one of the many reasons why the two of them got along so well. And they also were the only two in their age group in the village who weren’t training to be priestesses and demon hunters. Rai would never follow down that path for as long as he lived. Rai had jumped across the building in the shadows, taking him clear across the village. He ended up on the roof of the Ito family’s home. He had landed with about half of a minute before he saw Ren arrive, seemingly looking around for him. But one thing that couldn’t be ignored was the storm gathering over the mountains. It had gotten so bad that it no longer was contained to the mountain range. The grassland that separated the Serpent Mountains and Seiki Village were no longer completely visible. About a quarter of it had lost availability from sunshine and was covered by darkness. [color=b5484b]“It won’t be long until it reaches Seiki,”[/color] Rai noted causally, loud enough for Ren to hear him. [color=b5484b]“We’ll have to be ready for anything.”[/color][/indent][/indent] [/color]