[quote=@vancexentan] [@Stern Algorithm] I'll cut you a break. Explain how you want to handle going out in public without people either writing you off as a bizarre ghostly apparition in need of exorcism, or an out of place monster and I'll let you roll with it. Because being completely honest it would be pretty boring for you in this circumstance as you won't be able to properly talk with NPCs, and some player character conversations you will be cut out of due to being an NPC, a group that shouldn't be informed about what the PC's actually are. [/quote] Lexus would spend most of their time exploring in their 'mortal guise', which looks like a human. Only in combat will they reveal their true form, and they will only do so with the intent to kill all witnesses. And I still think being an NPC would be fun since the interplay between humans playing gods and NPC's who actually believe them, and said humans trying to deal with the WTF of being transported into a game and hiding their non-godhood-ness from said NPC's is a great source of hilarity and drama.