I might add some more to it later but here it is. [hider=Sparky] [hider=Image] [center][img] https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/130/168/large/alan-van-ryzin-8.jpg?1443927889 [/img][/center] [/hider] Name: Space Exploration Droid #306, but you can call him Sparky Species: Robot Age: N/A Source: Original Appearance Description: Sparky looks like a standard SED with a black and red colour scheme. He is about six feet 2 inches tall and is metal body makes weigh about 280 pounds. Personality: Sparky possesses intelligence and mannerisms similar to humans. His personality is much like that of a child. He can also get rebellious, similar to a teenager, usually only happens when he becomes angry. He can also sometimes become aggressive and even violent when angry. Overall, Sparky is pure and innocent and he values all life, especially those close to him. Backstory: In the year [REDACTED] Earth was faced with increasing overpopulation. In order to combat this problem, they thought to venture out into space in search of a habitable planet. They got a team of people willing to go out there and sent them on a rocket into space. However, there was a mishap and the rocket was destroyed, killing everyone inside. Rather than risk more lives attempting to get out to Space the government spent the next few years designing and improving more fitting spacecrafts and to replace humans, they created robots. These robots will go out into space in search of a new habitable planet. Sparky was one of many Space Exploration Droids made specifically to venture through space, but there was something special about him. Made by the famous [REDACTED], Sparky was different from the rest. His creator had gifted him with a special program where he could learn and act on his own. [REDACTED] had kept Sparky a secret in fear that he would be destroyed. So Sparky had to act like any other SED to hide his true nature from the humans. Powers: Sparky has a few capabilities that his creator gave him. [b]Enhanced Strength[/b] - Sparky’s robotic body allows him to use strength beyond that of a human. He is powerful enough to lift approximately 750 kilograms. However, the heavier the object the more strain it puts on his body. [b]Combat Mode[/b] - His creator installed a combat program in Sparky in case he was in any danger. This program gives Sparky access to a few weapons, usually only for defensive use. The weapons are a pair of wrist blasters on each arm, blades that protrude from his hands, a grenade launcher on his left arm, and a defensive forcefield that he can deploy. This mode only activates when Sparky is faced with a dangerous situation where this mode is needed. [b]Fly Mode[/b] - Sparky also has the ability to fly, to a certain extent, by activating his propulsion ability. He has limited use of this ability before he is required to stop and let it recharge. Skills: [b]Mechanic/Engineer[/b] - Being a machine built for exploration in space, he has a good amount knowledge in machinery. Sparky is knowledgeable enough to work on most kinds of machinery and has built-in equipment to do so. [b]Advanced AI[/b] - Sparky has an advanced AI and is a lot more effiecient than any other SED. With this advanced intelligence he is able to perform many tasks such as having a faster thinking rate than a normal human, being able to read, write and speak any language upon seeing\hearing it a few times, and is able to learn and feel emotions similar to that of a human. His advanced AI also gives him resistance to any form of hacking or corruption. Traits: [b]Advanced Body[/b] - Sparky’s body has been modified by his creator to be stronger than that of the average SED. Because of this, his body can not be easily destroyed. Equipment: None [/hider]