[center][h1][color=lime]G R E E N L A N T E R N[/color][/h1][b]"MARY JANE'S LAST DANCE" || PART V || [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kR1XbZLzFU]POST THEME[/url][/b][/center][hr][hr] Green Lantern uniforms were composed of a matrix of unstable atoms. They were commonly created through molecular synthesis, a process that could be controlled by the Lantern's ring. As a result, the pattern was one of the first thing that every rookie Lantern learned. Creating the suit was a tutorial of sorts for using the ring to create more abstract objects. The fibers that had been recovered from Jane Doe's body were those of a Green Lantern uniform. [color=azure][i]I have compiled several searches and been unable to find any files on a missing or deceased Green Lantern whose physiological features correspond to those of our Jane Doe.[/i][/color] The two Green Lanterns had returned to the [i]Sentinel[/i]. After updating Aya with the technical report that Doctor von Buron had provided them with, the pair had diverged along the different lines on which this investigation now took them. Kai-ro was working with Aya to try and identify a report of a missing or dead Green Lantern that would match the description of their Graxian corpse. Meanwhile, the H'lven seemed like he was having a better time with his side of things. "I got something," the chipmunk noted aloud. In the air, a green construct materialized. It was a replica of the silicon wristband that Jane Doe had been wearing. "There's a symbol repeated across the front of the band," Ch'p noted aloud. As he spoke, a second green construct appeared, depicting a series of information. "The symbol matches that used by a club on Scylla." [color=lime]"What's someone in the Green Lantern Corps doing hanging out in a club on Scylla?"[/color] "Someone wearing the uniform of a Green Lantern," Ch'p noted, correcting the boy. "It's a stretch, but Aya and I will head to Scylla to check it out. In the meantime, you head back to Oa. See if Salaak or Kilowog have any information about our Graxian." The young Tibetan didn't reply. He seemed to be only half-listening. Which, in truth, was rather apt a description. [color=lime]"Something's not making sense here,"[/color] the boy said finally, glancing up at the levitating chipmunk as the youth struggled with a nagging feeling in the back of his mind. "It's a crazy universe we live in, kid," the H'lven offered in reply. "But we ain't gonna figure it out sittin' 'round here." A moment of reflection, after which the child bowed his head toward the small Lantern. [color=lime]"Noted,"[/color] the boy answered simply. Taking his leave of the H'lven and the ship's AI, Kai-ro made his way to the back of the patrol cruiser. As he stepped into the airlock, the boy brought his right hand up, adjusting the distinctive ring. A green aura enveloped his small form, as the exterior hatch was pulled away like a curtain to reveal the naked cosmos outside. Gently, the boy's foot drifted from off the deck as he floated freely into the vacuum awaiting him. Space could be frightening the first time. There was no concept of up or down. No compass points with which to orient the mind. Some never overcame the vertigo. But Kai-ro? Kai-ro felt like this was true freedom. Putting his arms by his side, the child ducked and then pushed himself out through the void like a dolphin sliding through the sea. As the boy sailed out from under the [i]Sentinel[/i], the patrol cruiser pulsed with a green energy before making the jump to hyperspace. Gliding across the emptiness, the youth arced upward as he extended his arm out toward the vast cosmos. A pulse from his ring and a wormhole began to open. A passage that would take him to Sector Zero. The planet Oa.