[@Slime][@Silvan Haven][@Ayazi] [b]Gratia Mindaro - Mall[/b] "[color=66cd00]Avoid department stores for your first choice,[/color]" said Gratia, her tone still unchanging even as she slid into an impromptu lesson. "[color=66cd00]The chains will fucking gouge you out of house and home for shit that's barely worth the price.[/color]" The Mistralese girl was scanning the area as they walked, taking note of the storefronts. As was her habit, she was looking for an op shop, the first place that she would buy from. While budget was far from an issue, given that Venetia's purse sagged harder than an arthritic's balls from the weight of her money, she was in the unfortunate position of teaching illiterates how to shop, with one also being two steps removed from a fashion disaster. "[color=66cd00]Always begin with an idea of what you want,[/color]" she continued. "[color=66cd00]If you go in like some drooling retard, you're more than likely to be savaged by shop assistants seeking to drain your purse of everything it contains.[/color]"