@Assallya One quick answer (regarding weapons) is "It works the same way as in ShogunWorld." Swords, arrows, spears... however that technology works for ShogunWorld. In greater detail: 1. The waivers guests have to sign are many pages long, and include things like "if you trip and impale yourself, we're not liable." This would only apply to the more violent parts of the park, of course, as the family-oriented adventures are extremely and noticeably nerfed (and "cheaper"). 2. I'm thinking that the weapons in this park have sensors and/or magnetic shielding that causes them to veer away from a human, or lose enough momentum to stop short of violating the integrity of a guest's body. Each guest has something in his/her outfit that provides the "I'm a human" signal. In addition, the androids' programming prevents them from delivering injurious blows, both by adjusting their overall combat responses to that of the human they're fighting, and by "pulling a punch" when they sense that they would take out a human. 3. Magic is a bit more problematic, but it works like this: wizards are given wands or staffs, and priests holy symbols. These items are programmed to provide holographic displays corresponding to "spells" they're given a list of beforehand. It's all essentially laser tag, but with very convincing-looking effects. Android magic-users? Well, they'd be rare, anyway, but instead of throwing fireballs, they'd be raising undead, or causing environmental effects (darkness, or localized earth tremors, things like that). Some might have spells that would seem to damage the party's horses, or take out android NPCs.