[h1][center]Current Events![/center][/h1] [hr] [h2][center][color=purple]Welcome to Equestria[/color][/center][/h2] Things did not go as you had planned... True, this happens occasionally anyway, but in this case it defied logical probability as your ship's vanished from the familiarity of Rapid transit, The warp around it shredded apart before your eyes, the ship's sensors panicked frantically like something was squeezing the hull, suffocated the engines and preventing control of motion, even 'flood' warnings popped up. There was no visible sign of what was doing it though, every external view showed only stars, darkness and... why was there a giant 'train' engine puttering by in open space on a trail of steam and fire?! What madness was this? Why were there Nebulae scattered around in impossibly close proximity and... Was that a Giant flower growing out of thin air in the distance? Why was there a 'mountain' in space?! Perhaps more urgently, why was the ship being propelled towards a huge bundle of Rocky Spheres that was being orbited by a tiny Sun and moon?! You might have been preparing yourself for what seemed like inevitability in this crash, when that tiny sun elected to Blow fire over your ship... or, at least it seemed that way, how backwards was it that 'space' was trying to destroy your ship, yet a bath of fire calmed the sensor and seemed to have warded of whatever was trying to kill you... Granted, it was still too late to even pretend to get the engines functional enough to avoid crashing. Aren't you lucky though? another surprise came as the 'surface' you'd been barreling towards gave way like a thin later of water... was 'anything' out here what it appeared to be?!... Could you really afford to assume the suddenly normal space, and crash-course with the continent below, was fake too?... This would actually be a perfect opportunity to start breaking out those Escape pods, at least, if they still work... oh dear.