[h1][color=teal][center]Visited worlds and their info[/center][/color][/h1] [hr] Here I'll store information about the worlds we're visited, or 'are' visiting, and will update with bits that we learn about them. Some handy details may simply not be here yet, but will be updated when local information is heard. I may also pre-emptively fill out some bits that we're either likely to learn very quickly, or may be observed casually simply by looking or listening. [h2][color=purple]Equestria/Equus[/color][/h2] [hider=Equestria] [hider=current location info] [hider=map image] [img]https://i.imgur.com/WSFE5zc.png[/img] [/hider] I tweaked up a little map to help my suggestions :D 1: Thedman - A sort-of mountainous edge of the forest, Might be rough for the biggest ship we have in the RP [I think it is at least XD ] 2: Ranging wolf - The forest edge near the gorge, I thought it might have some... interesting encounters, for the space marines :D 3: Rune_Alchemist - The forest area just around the ruined castle, and perhaps the interesting gorge nearby >3> I'm sure our inquisitive little aliens will be all kinds of fascinated with it!... and what a crashing ship might wake up nearby! ;3 4:... ME! :D - I'll dump my junk-heap right in the middle of the forest, oughta be a handy land-mark for navigation XD hahah [/hider] From the MLP-verses, not a precisely canonical interpretation, but similar enough. A world predominantly ruled by colorful little ponies and their remarkably larger leadership of ambiguous limitations. It's a world where almost everything is just 'more vivid', as if someone turned the saturation on 'life' up to near maximum and poured such color into things that other worlds look bland in comparison... It's also quite dangerous if you fall into certain areas. [hider=technology] With magic available to do... well, most things, the hasn't been the same push for technological advancement as with, say, humans, so it has often been allowed to go at it's own pace and often in highly imbalanced ways, to such a degree that different settlements may have entirely different technological combinations. Like a Sprawling metropolis that's still using horse-drawn carriages and candle-lit lanterns. Or an old wood and thatch style village where someone invented a gyrocopter or carries around complex organ like musical devices. Or an artistically awe-striking capital city constructed of marble, gold, and magenta, looking like something out of greek fantasy empires, yet there are fully functional night-clubs with a full range of electronic music equipment capable of producing 'dubstep' of all things. The technological state of Equestria is a hodge-podge of 'whatever someone felt like inventing' and 'whatever caught on as interesting to the populace', though there's little public knowledge about what the governing body permits or endorses researching in private or controlled manners, and little interest in prying. Among the common technologies though, flash-lights, air-ships, steam-powered trains, manual gyro-copters, electric ovens and music players, even modern-like medical equipment, alongside coal heaters and candle-lamps, horse-drawn carriages, thatch-roof houses, and catapults. [/hider] [/hider]