[center][h1][color=ff00ff]The Zea of Worlds[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [center][hider=A Little Intro]It is a place that nearly every creature across existence will never live to 'hear' about, much less see... Now, that's not to say there aren't scores of those who have, there's simple such a scale of people who won't that it dwarfs it horrible... Ugh, I'm Rambling, my Apologies. It is the space between Worlds, or universes, or Fragments, depending on who you ask, there's different words for all kinds of things, I should just stick to the most common yes? As simply as I can put it, It is the Space between World Fragments, an unseen connection holding together countless worlds, creating some order in a plane of existence prone to chaos, keeping these worlds from drifting wantonly, impacting eachother, or soaring off into nothingness. There are endless theories about it, many philosophize on it's existence, but those who reside within most often call it the Zea of Worlds... yes, they have strange accents, It's more like a Sea comprised of stars and strange fragments of worlds coming from seemingly nowhere. Navigating it is no easy task, and indeed traveling through it competes for difficulty... I won't go on 'too' long about it, it'll be best if you Virgin Travelers discover things for yourselves, but you should still know, the eyes are insufficient for understanding the Zea of Worlds, it is not a space filled with water, not even empty space, it is... Strange... an odd form of open space that almost feels 'alive', like it's watching you. It has been known to drive a man mad for staring into it for too long, but more immediately important, your poor little ships just weren't built to traverse this kind of space, It's a wonder they held together long enough to be deposited in another world at all! It's unclear why, but whatever threw you into the Zea of Worlds did not protect them from the phenomena that began to shred the engines and tear at the hulls... Luckily, it did leave you close enough to one of these worlds that there wasn't enough time for the Ship to be 'entirely' destroyed... Good luck with that crashing though.[/hider][/center] [hr] [center]Character Sheet Skeletons[/center] [hider=Primary Character Sheet] Image: If relevent :D but I don't mind if you just use text, though be descriptive if you do ;3 Name: Species: Age: Source: [If relevent, what source material the character comes from, or is inspired by] Appearance Description: [You know, relevent details, if you didn't use an image you'll want to be thorough here ;3 I prefer actual numbers for height and such, but otherwise do as you will :D ] Personality: Backstory: [We don't need whole stories filling this out, especially since some details might be kindof ambiguous until we've solidified the details surrounding out non-local player characters, but you can put out some stuff about their origins at least. I love seeing what comes out of people's imaginations :D ] power section- These can be a bit confusing sometimes, and you can tweak this section to your liking, some characters might benefit from a different style XD Skills: Knowledge and Experience based capabilities, like weapon or cooking skill, or out-standing learning. Traits: Natural or Biological capabilities that aren't super-natural in origin or extent, whether it's extensive training and conditioning, biological refinement, or natural qualities like touch scales or unique biological qualities. Powers: Generally things you can do that go beyond the norm for your species, or that qualify as externally supplied capabilities, or things that require something more than just your body's inherent qualities. Equipment: This one's kindof obvious XD any kind of actual 'gear' you use. [/hider] This one's not required, even if you 'have' a ship, but more info never hurts ;3 the other suggestion to just describe it in the RP is also a fine option :D [hider=Ship Sheet] [Now, This might not be the best it can be, don't be afraid to add more tabs to it if you like!] Ship name: Origin: [who's responsible for building it XD] Captain: [who's incharge of the ship] Size: [doesn't have to precise unless you want it to be XD] Source of Long range Travel: Whether FTL, flicker jumping, relay sling-shot, and so on. Offensive Modules: Weapons obviously, but any alternative methods of 'attack' it might have. Defensive Modules: Shields, dodging capacity, armor, that kinda thing. Original Crew: How any Crew remain: Sounds like a good idea to me! Another idea I had is that we could have a "character sheet" of sorts for the ships. Stuff like size, history, type of FTL, crew, how many crew are still alive, equipment on board and what survived, stuff like that. Alternatively, we could just describe it in the RP. [/hider] This is also optional, just for the people who want to be thorough ;3 Since we're all allies either way, some may technically possess micro-factions in the remains of their original crew, or ambient residents from the places we visit who might join one in particular. [hider=Micro-Faction CS] [Much like the Ship CS, this one is also experimental, feel free to tweak as you please.] Name: We're all on the same side ultimately, but your little group might have a different name for it's portion. Origin: Though strangers may join it, it still originated somewhere else. Population: Important Members: Available Gear: Resources: Knowledge: [/hider]