[@mdk] Unfortunately there is no knowing about any other tribes or examples of people and it appeared to be accepted the idea was that only the people with the writer are the ones who will survive; imagine a Noah's Ark sort of allusion. That said, Dr. Scott was one of the choices I personally sought after, but reasoned against him and his family because I could find no credible way to acquire him without raising an alarm if I wished to be particularly devious, or just in reality, able to convince him to leave his family alone. I personally assumed he would put a blade into my back the moment he could if we somehow separated him from them. I admittedly do like Billy, despite the fact he is a gamble and a liability, perhaps more so than Michael. He at least is far more likely to survive and be useful to labor and exertion, but that is only a perhaps and only then in the long run. Given we have no idea about his condition other than him being permanently handicapped, it is safe to assume he might also fail to be a candidate for reproduction and species cultivation. That and he comes with the rest of his family, who are all varying degrees of liability; I would rather a Mr. Clark, Mr. White altercation that ends in two losses rather than two, maybe three.