[H1][b][color=92278f]Hobgoblin Luz[/color][/b][/H1] [@ReusableSword][@Jangel13][@Kheliop][@Crusader Lord] Luz took a stance where she held her makeshift spear over her left shoulder like she was going to throw a harpoon. Waiting for the Giant spider to run closer to the group...only the Spider didn't seem to move from it spot instead luz saw a bunch of Small auras move in there direction. [color=92278f]"Uhh...i don't thing that spider is the type that would put itself on the frontlines before it underling cause it seems it children is coming"[/color] Luz point out calmly. Gird the made a plan to have himself draw the smaller spider away. [color=92278f]"You are you sure?"[/color] Luz asked him sounding worried. She wanted to protest but she didn't have time cause Gird had to act fast in order for his plan to work. Luz then sigh before saying [i]"Damn it"[/i] Under her breath. Luz then suckin her breath before saying [color=92278f]"Hide!"[/color] quietly before waiting for the younger spider to leave before signaling what is left of the follow her as she moves the group to flank the spider from sightly it right hand side. Once the group was in a good position Luz the squated down and signal the two goblin to come close. [color=92278f]"Here the plan, i'm going to draw the spider's attance from the front with my sword,meanwhile i want you guys to try and sneak up on the spider and attack it from the sides with your spears ,afterword i need you guys to fight it from the side while i fight it from the front. Nyma we are going to trade spear with you for the duration of the battle so make go use of it. Before we begin but me and Nyma meed to make a prayer to Duvelna. That way we can get double exp for the kill. Any questions?"[/color] Luz inform them. Luz then held her hand together before making a pray in her mind. [i]"Dear Duvelna, first i want to take she time to thank you for considing me as a candidate of one of your followers as well as giving me a gift. To repay you i wish to sent you 100 soul starting with this formatable spider. Amen!"[/i] She prayed before trading spears with Nyma and moving in to engage the spider. With Nyma's spear in one hand and her sword in the other Luz then walk through the spider alone and called it out. [color=92278f]"Hey 8 legs!"[/color] She taught the queen spider with a spear point in it direction to try to get it to engage her so the other two can launch a sneak attack from it sides. But before they do she will try to avoid it's attacks as long as she can and avoid harming it so it wouldn't run off, if it looks like it was about attack she will attempt to threaten it with her spear to discourage it