[i][h3][b]Day 1[/b] Location - The Park[/h3] Character Reference(s) - [@Rodiak], [@GingerBoi123][/i] [i]Cursed.[/i] Dejinkken blinked upon the statement from the sword. He retracted his hand that he would've originally used to help her up. She seemed more than able to, and her inflection implied that she may not have wanted him to anyway. That was a little discouraging, but the sword's statement stuck out in his mind. The word 'cursed' in conjunction with 'caution' left a derogatory aura for this area. She was cursed? He was to be cautious of whatever curse that this human woman had? The darkness felt stronger. Something was off there...She was speaking again. He felt rather rude to allow his thoughts to crowd his attention from the woman. She expressed that she felt physical pain. At first, he wondered if the fall she had just taken hit harder than he thought. At least enough for her to lose some memories. He would have informed her that she had fallen to the ground, however what she added shifted his perspective. [quote]"So bright. Too bright. What are you? You're new; I haven't felt this before... he's angry. No, he's furious. Warning me. Telling me to run."[/quote] She referred to a 'he'. Dejinkken quickly looked around, but he saw no others near enough to be speaking this to her. The darkness lulled a little more intensely with each passing moment. A sinking feeling was in his heart. What was happening? [i]Ne[/i][b]ar![/b] Two voices fused as one in his mind, Sento, and some other ghastly Male voice. A pang of pain met his temples. Something felt wrong. It almost clicked in his mind at an instance. Darkness. Curses. Demonic. A demon possessed this woman. It was the source of the pain within her. Perhaps even what caused her such blindness. At a moment's notice, he grabbed Sento over his shoulder, her edge brightening. "In the name of Michael, and before the Creator, depart from this woman, Demon!" Dejinkken commanded.