[@Jangel13] well when it coms to evolutions and possible ideas for rare or uncommon variants due to blessings, curses, skills, ETC. my main focus for evolutions so far has been specifically the current evolution path I'm focusing on with gird being the were wolf. with this in mind I think your idea with changing the physical characteristics of the character based on their blessings (I.E. Gina's vine hair and earthly appearance / Girds pale skin and sharp claws.) are a good choice to continue with as long as they don't fall out of favor with their patron deity. with that said and concerning Girds current path having him slowly gain more skeletal features with an air of death around him while also having something to do with peace and rest. killing for the sake of death and survival would be one thing, killing just to kill would be another and not what gird believes would benefit his goddess. now with the physical features like I said gaining more like a natural bone type of armor would be cool. that combined with more sunken in eyes and pale skin to give the impression of undead without giving the appearance of like a zombie but more like a skeleton. while keeping to the animal side of things. being described as a monster or abomination wouldn't be something that gird would care about. maybe having some form of basic necromancer magic begin as well with more of an affinity towards animals and monsters then humanoids. possibly being able to see or interact with spirits of some kind like the others?