[color=gray][right][i]Abandon all hope ye who enter here.[/i][/right] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/lNnPcGc.png?1[/img][/center][hr] [indent][indent]And here Rai was actually looking forward to beating her in some more races around the village. He did have to admit that going to the southern shrine was an appealing venture to him. It was rare that he traveled south. The only time that he did that was when he was forced to go that way to pick up some herbs for when he hurt himself too much, though there was always this part of him that never liked going there. It wasn’t as though he felt like he was unwanted, but there was a certain feeling that he got in the deepest parts of his soul about the shrine that never really did sit well with him. All that aside, Raiko never was one to say no to a challenge. If he got queasy, then he’d just let Ren carry him. She’d be into that, right? Just as Raiko was going to give her some kind of reaction to her suggestion, there wasn’t any time. Without so much as a warning or a little comment, Ren had taken off, smiling no less, south of the village where Elder Tanaka resided when she was performing her High Priestess duties. Raiko was able to catch up to her, but this was less about actually racing to it but more about enjoying the journey there. The surroundings were different than the forest. South of the village was where the crops were all growing and the beauty the squares of water and green spread throughout was magical to witness. The rising storm in the distance was a downer and the winds were certainly picking up, but that wasn’t enough to stop Rai from enjoying the scenery. [color=b5484b]“So, just so you know, my stomach gets tossy-turny whenever I go near the shrine. So, if I pass out, you’re gonna have to carry me!”[/color] Rai said with a gleeful smile as he ran past Ren, leaving her in his dust. [/indent][/indent][/color]