[@bloonewb] "Then, you should have nothing to worry about." His small, light smile hid his worry. Winoc then left the room and could be heard traipsing around the house, before the heavy front door groaned against its hinges, for a brief time the leaving the house silent. It was only a short while before the deluge lightened into a gentle but steady spring rain, tapping steadily against the roof and walls all around the far-flung Norsewoman. The bedroom door creaked against heavy iron hinges, not opening fully but becoming ajar just enough to reveal a ragged Angle girl in the hallway, looking in at her guest as if she were a stranger.[hr][@Leo Khan] Hwithryth furrowed her brow and frowned at the disobedient prisoner. "Look again at that charm, Kjalr; Tiw is no god of truth, but a patron of doing what is absolutely right. Do you think I've gotten where I am by being defiant and righteous? Do you think that Woden only calls hardened barbarians to do his will?" The lady was exasperated that she was being disobeyed, but knew there was no shaking the Norseman from his convictions. As she stared at fire at him for his indignation, she was struck with sudden inspiration. She checked again up and down the corridor; he was lucky that she was so desperate for an ally. "I'll do as you request, but you must listen well. The eastern corridor will lead you into the guards' quarters of the Manor, and the western corridor will lead you to the stables. Go there and steal a horse to take you into the forest beyond the river. I'll meet you there just as soon as I can."