Finally finished him. I took a few guesses at where his comic is going for a few characters and made him experienced about 3 years or so. If anyone needs a supersuit, check out his supporting characters section. His bestie/love interest is a former cosplay enthusiast turned superhero outfitter ala Edna Mode from the Incredibles films. [hider=SIDEWAYS] Player Name: Omega Man Secondary Character: Sideways Secret Identity: Derek James Status: Active Titan Age: 19 City: He’s from Gotham, rifts just about anywhere as a hero. He also operates in San Francisco with the Titans. Day Job: Student at East Gotham Technical Institute Powers: Strength - he can lift 7-10 tons [roughly 20k pounds max]. Speed/Agility - also above average, but also due to being a parkour enthusiast. Rifting – Derek can create rifts in space/time and teleport anywhere he can think of as well as cross into the Multiverse, Dark Multiverse, and the spaces in between. Weaknesses: He can be physically overpowered and is vulnerable to the same things as any human would be in a light body armor suit. Outside of his suit, smaller arms fire doesn’t bother him as much as anything high powered and knives can still do damage. He’s meant to be flawed somewhat in the same ways as Spider-man. He’s human and vulnerable. Skills: He’s good with computers and most modern tech. Knows waaaay too much about tv and movies as well as music. His powers make him stealthy when it’s needed. Anything else he just Google’s or watches a YouView video on it. Appearance: [img][/img] BRIEF Bio: During the Justice League’s discovery of the Dark Multiverse some years earlier, 16 year old Derek James fell into an opening into the space between universes. Four days later he woke up with powers allowing him to teleport anywhere he could think of. After coming into contact with the Fuginauts, Derek learned of the Multiverse, the Dark Multiverse, and the space in between called the Hypertime Membrane. Derek would face a dark matter creature from the Dark Multiverse similar in a way to Marvel’s Venom symbiote, however it would consume and manipulate half of Darkstar Science’s staff including their CEO. After a war with Sideways, Batman, and other allies from Gotham the Fuginauts stepped in to help eliminate the Dark Matter’s presence, or so they thought. After the Dark Matter managed to corrupt one Fuginaut it took nearly all of them and began destroying worlds in the Multiverse and Dark Multiverse. Now only Tempus remains after Sideways cornered them in a dark universe that Tempus destroyed. Now after having the weight of two Multiverses thrust onto his shoulders in a three year period, Derek focuses on getting grounded back in his universe and joins the Titans after Batman offers him a steady income while attending school. Story Arcs: Titans – Sideways is still a big dork and blown away at the chance to work with Batman once again. Most of his arcs will be with the Titans but I might tell a solo story once in awhile. (Titans Missions) Return of Replicant – The power thief returns after Sideways thought the villain’s use of the rifting power had killed him years prior. However now… he’s powered by Dark Matter. (Team-Up) Supporting Characters: Batman, cause Derek lives in Gotham and he’s also a member of Batman’s Titans. Ernestine Edgars, at 19 years old she’s become the Edna Mode of the DCU and creates looks for several heroes now. Still a potential love interest for Derek but she’s become her own shining star thanks to Sideways. Replicant, Derek’s first metahuman enemy now also powered by the Dark Matter. Primary Character: the Comet Additional Notes: I’ve got a character now on both teams and I’ll be taking a more hands on approach and taking the teams forward and getting missions going and storylines and such. Building towards some big stuff with others’ characters and now I’d like to do that with the teams with Atlantis Attacks and other larger crossover stories. [/hider] - Ω