[quote=@Hokum] After escaping any real damage from the Supernova blast by... uh... unknown means, [/quote] (Yeah, sorry about that. I'll try to make sure I acknowledge the next supernova) [hr] "Dorsin ost halit" Ernest repeated to himself. "I didn't pay attention to that the first time. Dorsin ost halit... I wonder what that means? And where is it coming from?" Ernest made a mental note to investigate the message when he get the chance. Ernest assumes that object that he detected is a space station. He turns to face the station. Before he teleports, he checks the terminal: [quote] ARMOR REPAIRS COMPLETE. AUTOMATICALLY PLACING REPAIR PODS BACK IN THEIR CHARGING STATIONS. DORM SENSOR REPAIR PROGRESS: APPROXIMATELY 50%. DORM SCANNING PROGRESS: 15%. NO NOTABLE INSTANCES FOUND YET. [/quote] "...Who programmed my terminal to use language like "no notable instances found"? Whoever designed me must have been very proud of their vocabulary." Ernest started up the lightspeed engine, getting ready to warp to what he assumed to be a space station. [hider=Spawning inside of Ernest's dorm status] This is still up. Not for much longer though. I'll probably close the offor once Ernest's dorm sensors at at 100%, which will probably be in the post after the next one. [/hider]