[quote=@AndyC] Sure, going "ooh, look, Character (x) is in Setting (y) now!" is interesting for a post or two, but the overwhelming majority of times I've seen this done, a post or two is all we get, and then when the player inevitably abandons them, we're either left with characters that nobody wants to use because that incarnation is unrecognizable, or a big gaping wound in continuity that players have to retcon around. [/quote] Honestly, this is a general weakness of these Hype games that are based on Marvel and/or DC lore. It is not the question of if people will drop from the game, but when. This is a generality of all roleplays, even the successful ones. No matter whether it is a mishmash or a twist on the single character, the game will have to deal with inactive characters, whether by having a player pick up someone else' creation (which I honestly have not seen done) or retcon the last version to allow a new one.