[quote=@Retired] Which is why limiting the convoluted nature of some characters that were created simply for the sake of convolution lessens the impact such departures would have. [/quote] [quote=@AndyC] That's true, but the stronger the concept and the more reliable the player, the more this weakness is mitigated. A paper airplane is inevitably going to land on the ground, but one that's well-folded and uses good materials is going to stay in the air longer than one that's crumpled together and full of holes. [/quote] [quote=@Morden Man] This is true of all games that have ever or will ever exist. All games end. All games eventually give way beneath the weight of continuity they've built up, player fatigue, or people simply "ageing out" of roleplaying. That's not a reason to not do them. It's a reason to make the most of them while they're around, tell the stories you want to tell while you can, and maybe – just maybe – have a little bit of fun and make some friends doing it. [/quote] But it is even worse in "fandom" games, like this game. For example, in these Marvel or DC or One Universe games, players have to apply for canonical characters. When a player disappears, it is not just some random person's OC who can easily be replaced, but rather a specific character, like Captain America, Nightwing, etc. If a new player applies for a character that someone else has abandoned, the new player has to either conform to what is already in the IC or retcon it (which will affect other characters' histories). Furthermore, in team settings, you also have to deal with characters dropping out. In contrast, in Create-A-Hero, let's say someone applies for a character, gets said character accepted, posts for a little bit, and then leaves for one reason or another. In most cases, that so-called abandoned character can be easily written out of the game. The difference is that someone's abandoned character does not affect future applications unless that said character had made such an impact that it changed the landscape of the game. But in most cases, players who usually drop in a short period of time don't have that much impact on the game. Teams still have issues with players dropping, but Create-A-Hero does not have to worry about the Avengers needing Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Captain America, or the JLA needing Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman. So, yes. It is true for all games. But it is even worse for these types of Fandom games.