[quote=@Retired]Byrd and EE know this from our private talks in regards to Hell, but I fully am intending to blend Marvel and DC demonology, etc, and later on delve into how they all co-exist. The three of us have laid out some basics just so there's a rough understanding to avoid contradicting one another in posts, but I plan to do more than that. Gradually, though.[/quote] This is sweet, sweet music to my ears. [quote=@Sep]I know I'm actively looking for C-Listers I can poach and incorporate, as well as making future plans (still waiting for that PM about Grodd and Wakanda). I think, as someone who's still largely an outsider to this group, it can be hard to know who you can approach and talk to about incorporating different ideas and characters from different origins.[/quote] I'm not [i]entirely[/i] sure that F4 villains quite lend themselves to the Flash as naturally as some other rogues galleries might, but you're always welcome to ask me if you have an idea. That goes for anyone else that wants a piece of F4-shaped action. Wait, you know what [i]could[/i] work very well? How about we incorporate [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Ghost]Red Ghost and his Super-Apes[/url] into Grodd's backstory somehow? That could be one possible explanation. (I feel like the could is doing a lot of heavy-lifting there) See? It's not too difficult.