[hr][hr][center][h1][color=f06262]Robin Marshall[/color][/h1][img]https://i.imgur.com/nwvYKd0.gif[/img] [i]Location: Abandoned House Interacting With: Miranda, Heather (and Olivia, Finley)[/i][/center] [hr][hr] [color=f06262]"Just buy a van. It's squatting with frills and the difficulty of finding parking spaces to go 'stealth' in,"[/color] Robin suggested pragmatically. He shared Heather's opinion on squatting, albeit for slightly different reasons: not only would staying in a dangerous, dilapidated house be gross, it would also require staying in one place for a considerable time. He looked back at the sigh and nearly missed a step. The rooms in upper level of the house seemed to be in disuse, at least judging by the horrible state of the bedroom furniture, so out went the squatter theory, anyway. The box from downstairs was cause for concern, however. 'Possible Vessels' –– it sounded very Lovecraft. Hopefully if it was some kind of cultist LARPing gig, there would be less xenophobia in it. Robin had sold all those books for a pittance long ago, but they were never his favourites. His eyes widened as the very foundations of the house itself shook, and he caught Heather's eye as she stood in the doorway between the hall and what looked to be the master bedroom. For a moment, he expected it to be an earthquake, or perhaps too much weight on the upper levels had begun to buckle the floors, but it was unmistakably coming from the lower levels: the basement. Robin blinked away the dust and wiped his face on his jacket to stop the irritation at his eyes. [color=f06262]"Let's move,"[/color] he said, but he was already on it, bounding down the rickety stairs two at a time. He made a sharp turn when he was halfway down them to face Miranda and Heather again. [color=f06262]"They're probably fine, but it could be [i]anything[/i], like a cave-in, or a collapse, or––"[/color] He interrupted himself as he realised how deeply unhelpful listing off all the possible fatal accidents that sprung to mind would be. [color=f06262]"They're probably fine, but just to be [i]sure[/i]."[/color] If there was anything left in the house to snoop through, it wasn't worth putting Johnson's safety at risk (and the others too, he supposed, but it was different when it was a friend). And, considering he was further removed from his teenage years than the others, the uncomfortable sensation of [i]responsibility[/i] settled on his shoulders like a noose waiting to be tied. He made a bee-line for the basement, half-expecting to be followed, and called out for the basement-explorers as soon as he reached the entrance.