"Stay back here," Solae ordered with the calm ease of a commanding officer. Although she had spent absolutely no time in the military whatsoever she had been bred and groomed for leadership roles. That she had declined any such positions, despite the urging of both her mother and father, was a reflection on her disposition and not her abilities. The Syshin stood farther from the landing pad than either of the higborn pair. To help perpetuate their convincing ruse, but yet ensure, the aliens were positioned behind large crates that were filled with supplies for their journey intermixed with convincing decoys. All of the males were crouched in shadow, hidden among the sugar cane stalks, or tucked behind pastoral machinery as they held concealed weapons. Female Syshin were crowded around one edge of the unobtrusive pile of cases on large metallic stretchers that were meant for their transport. They had not been chemically induced into a comatose state so they were simply feigning such a state of repose as the spaceship drew closer. Several grew nervous as the vessel descended onto the concrete with a cacophony of foreign and frightening noises. Solae could not blame them. "Sir Kent," the marquise called out. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Kalrio watching the butler with intense scrutiny as he crawled forward from the inky black night to duck behind a case filled with debris. To say the Syshin was not a fan of this plan was underselling his opposition. He felt indebted, however, to assist the heroes of Amber Horizon that had saved him from certain death whether immediate or prolonged by torture. Solae had been able to quell many of his objections by handing him a blaster from his former enslavers and tasking him with judiciously disposing of Kent Lis how he wished if the elderly gentleman deviated from their plot. "Y-yes," he squeaked. The butler took a position next to the golden-haired beauty as her soldier consort stepped back into concealment. Solae placed her hands behind her back as the fingers brushed against the cool grip of the pistol Rene had insisted more than once she keep in her possession. "Glad to see you didn't fuck this up," called out the pilot as his silhouette appeared as the hatch groaned open. A short, hobbled together ramp extended and seconds later a portly man with crossed arms strode down it. He was firmly middle-aged, unshaven, with skin that shined with oil created by a mix of perspiration and poor hygiene, and a protruding gut indicative of a love of liquor rather than simply poor genetics. What little hair that had not thinned or fallen out altogether was slicked down to the sides of his head in an outdated attempt at a hairstyle. Solae barely suppressed the urge to grimace. "Pardon?" Kent asked with mild confusion. "You and your proper language," the man snarled as he breathed heavily out of his mouth. "I'm saying I thought I'd have to get all this shit together myself. How did you do it?" he asked suspiciously as he drew nearer. Fortunately for everyone (except perhaps the overweight new arrival) Solae's appearance was a distraction from the seemingly unconscious trafficked beings or haphazardly arranged crates. At once he knew that this was an elite of the upper echelon of the Stellar Empire but he didn't question long how she might have come across the plantation. Word of the mass execution of nobility had spread throughout the sector for those who had not bore witness to it directly. That a few might slip free of the rebellion's deadly assault was expected rather than unusual. "Fuck me this is amazing merchandise," the pilot remarked as he licked his lips greedily. Eyes trailed from the spun golden hair, to the bright azure eyes, to high cheekbones, a softly pointed jaw, lily white complexion, large bosom, slender waist, wide hips, slim thighs, and everything in-between. For the courts she was exceptional; to the desperate reaches of rural colonization she was a masterpiece that could almost be charged admission to behold. Already he was doing mental calculations as to how much he could auction her for based on how many men she could sleep with in a day. Brothels would wage war with one another to have such an exotic mound of flesh. For a market that was limited to less than ideal 'product' she would extract ridiculous sums of currency and turn a tidy profit. "Think I might take a taste myself once we lift off," he said with a guffaw. Kent gave a weak complacent smile and attempted to say something but found the marquise had already thrown herself into action. Solae whipped out her pistol and, using the element of surprise as her more true weapon, shot the obese man in his kneecap. Her victim began to howl in pain but Kent, who knew he had gone 'all in' with the plan and had everything to lose if the man was heard, shoved a piece of cloth in the pilot's mouth before jumping back. The marquise trembled slightly at the sight of another human being rolling on the ground in agony as he clutched what remained of his joint. The pungent smell of singed flesh and blood chased away the squeamish butler and had Solae barely able to keep her composure. Rationally she knew he was a depraved being not worthy of the gift of life bestowed on him. Her heart ached all the same as her compassion knew not all the limits that the mind so diligently imposed. "Go," she whispered barely audible over the din of the sighing and creaking ship that continued to cool. Kalrio had risen from his position beside the bins and crept over until he was a few feet away from the scion that was trembling at her own actions. With some thought he rose up to his full height and reached toward to touch her shoulder in an attempt at comforting. The Syshin nodded to Rene as if to say he would stand guard over the slightly traumatized human he so clearly respected.