[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/w7StWnv.png[/img] [b][i]Shinto Town, Harbor/Port[/i][/b] [b]Day 2[/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/6pH0Weu.jpg?1[/img][/center] What started out as a new day for the American Boy was to sit down, have breakfast with his peers and co-workers, drink some coffee to keep his energy up and always have a fun day at work all through an undisturbed, goodnight sleep... ...although his night wasn't exactly the best and he's been cranky upon waking up just an hour after dawn came. It's midday and he's still going at it. The mess from the harbor battle was mostly cleared up and the remains whether organic or man-made left behind scattered across places that were either too wedged through gaps or just dangerous to take out was immediately crushed by whatever magecraft the mafioso concocted. Yes it was a waste of prana, yes it was pathetic but hey, he didn't want any locals to think they're dangerous people even though they're seeking something just as dangerous, maybe worse. [color=f7941d]"[b]Put your backs into it! Clean this place up and then get everything packing, we're moving into the city![/b]"[/color] For someone with a big mouth, he could even beat the town criers of rustic Fuyuki. Sitting back in his chair, frustrated at last night's attack he and a couple of other hand-picked lieutenants including his flute-playing Servant gathered around for an impromptu meeting. His lieutenants were there to update him on deliveries shipped overseas from the Land of Opportunity as well as the Moving process from the Harbor and into Miyama. With the new automobiles sent by ship, they plan to make this trip quick and noisy, it's not like the Japanese didn't know what the automobiles were anyway right? Dismissing his lieutenants, the Earth Magus and his Caster were left alone. [color=f7941d]"Did you find a school or anything out in the bridge that would suit your Territory? I plan to leave traps here in case their Masters come to investigate."[/color] Of course the Piper could also contribute to this trap plan by placating bombs in less expected places. [@Argonaut]