[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170609/6993f16961e0f0769efda621e785818a.png[/img][hr][@Morose] [@FantasyChic] [@Nallore] [@Sigil] [@Natsu] [@Dragoknighte] [@Mnkee][hr][b][color=998849]October 31st, 1943 Ville au Camp [/color][/b][hr][hr][/center] Turning slowly, the dark haired woman arched a single brow very deeply. A sultry grin tugged at the corner of her lips as she laced her fingers together at her breasts. It seemed someone wanted to know who she was. There might have been others who were curious, but one seemed to have the gumption to actually ask her directly. This pleased her. While she could be rather quiet and perhaps daunting to some, she was a kind soul. Well as kind as one could be if you enjoyed a good rack session. [color=silver]"How rude of me. You all must be very new births. I tend to forget that not everyone here is aware of who I am at the start. Allow me to introduce myself,"[/color] she said in a smooth voice as she extended her hand to the young woman. Her slender fingers were tipped in dark red polish over stiletto nails filed to a sharp point. Her skin touch was as cool and as soft as silk, almost like an embalmed corpse. [color=silver]"I am known here as Belladonna."[/color] Nancy seemed to explain that Belladonna was a Crypt but that would not mean much to those who had not encountered one. [color=silver]"Oh yes, I was there. Was such an eventful time. Truly macabre. And what a pleasure it is to meet you as well. It seems our dear mother has chosen some very interesting new children. My daughter will so adore having some new playmates. A rousing game of Wake The Dead will be in order,"[/color] she said with a coy look crossing her features. [color=silver]"I do believe I smelled a fresh grave when I came home this eve,"[/color] she added as she glanced over mischievously towards Nancy. [color=silver]"That is if Puridaj does not protest it,"[/color] Belladonna continued in reference to Evelina. Hearing Gilbert return she took the drink he offered and raised it slightly, giving it a once over before partaking of the liquid. The hollow of her throat moving as she swallowed and let out gentle moan of enjoyment. [color=silver]"Positively deadly,"[/color] she said as she lowered the glass. [color=silver]"Of course not, we must speak later,"[/color] she added, returning the wink. [color=silver]"The pleasure is all mine,"[/color] she said towards Sophia, making sure to address the woman directly. She wuldn't want to miss anyone that was speaking to her. It was so rare that she was able to come home and while this wasn't under the best circumstances, it was hardy the worst. [color=silver]"Zdorovo vernut'sya domoy,"[/color] the woman said in an old dialect of Russian as she glanced around. While the Emendators spoke many languages, they didn't speak all of them so it was rare for Belladonna to slip into her native tongue but she would from time to time when was feeling nostalgic. Her eyes darted over towards the others as she took another sip of the drink Gilbert had provided for her. [hider=Translation] zdorovo vernut'sya domoy - It is wonderful to be home once again. [/hider] [hr][center][b][color=998849]October 5th, 1924 - 12:15 a.m. Cairo, Egypt -> October 31st, 1943 Ville Au Camp[/color][/b] [hider=Map of Cairo - 1924] [img]https://image.ibb.co/iyMWzo/mapofcairo.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/center][hr][hr] Alicia grunted a bit, she didn't want to move just yet but it was time to go. She had seen what she needed to see, George was back safely and hopefully attending to what needed to be to clean up after the mess Peter had left. It was time to move on and face the music. She was sure that Evelina was not going to be happy with her but hey maybe the fact she got injured would calm the wrath she was going to have to face. Granted the fact she got injured would probably just be used as ammunition to why she should have kept her ass at home that night. Either way, time to walk. Thankfully she had some help from Gio and the new guy Bart. Gio opening the portal was always a sight to her. It was neat, like some special effect from the movies. Very Dr. Strange meets Quantum Leap. Hobbling through the portal she began to feel a bit better, she was still dizzy from the blood loss but the leg was hurting less and less as they moved and a warmth was spreading through her from where Bart was touching her. Once they were through she stopped and looked over at the kid. [color=ed145b]"You're a healer? Now that is fucking useful,"[/color] she said with a slight smirking chuckle. [color=ed145b]"Holy shit balls, thanks gringo,"[/color] she exclaimed as she put some more weight on the leg and laughed. This was great. sure she still needed to clean up and put a good bandage on it but it was only a scratch now. Oh yeah, that was an ability that would get a lot of use.