[quote=@DocTachyon][@Master Bruce] I noticed you rejected a sheet on the basis of it combining DC and Marvel elements, which totally makes sense. My current idea for Vigilante is that he is, however reluctantly, the current vessel of the Spirit of Vengeance, making him Ghost Rider as well as Vigilante, the idea being he took the title as a bargain to spring himself and a ragtag Seven Soldiers of Victory out of Hell. I do genuinely believe I have more going for the character than the shallow appeal of "Hey, look, two characters in one!", but I understand that despite this you may still be inclined to reject the idea of combining Ghost Rider and Vigilante in this way. My current plan is to just write up two versions of the sheet, one in which Vigilante acquires the Ghost Rider title and has to juggle being a 'normal' crimewrangler like he was more used to and dealing with the weird Hell/Mystic stuff Ghost Rider gets up to; as well as a more vanilla version of Vigilante. If you think there's zero chance of the Vig/Ghost Rider being accepted though, I'd appreciate some notice so I can scrap that version of the sheet straightaway. Thanks! Otherwise, I have a question about supporting characters. The 'beta' roster of support I have filled out contains a semblance of the Seven Soldiers of Victory, comprised of members of past Seven Soldiers lineups and characters I thought would fit the mold(Shining Knight, Jonah Hex, Crimson Avenger, Frankenstein, Star Spangled Kid, and Stripsey). The thing I'm nervous about is whether having a lineup of Heroes in his supporting cast who could ostensibly be written as characters be someone else is a problem. I think the only really 'popular' character out of the bunch is Jonah Hex, but I hope this is okay. [/quote] I want to take this opportunity to reiterate something I mentioned in the Interest Check for the game, since there seems to be a bit of a misconception with this - I [i]do not mind[/i] combining concepts at all, and would have happily accepted something like Diana Prince being this universe's Captain America. The caveat to this that I've been trying to get across is that if you're going to do that, it has to be heavily thought out to justify itself. If the combination itself is the crux of your application, you'll be denied, period. I want applications with an emphasis on character, not gimmicks. That said, your concept for combining Vigilante with Ghost Rider actually sounds like it has a great deal of potential, given you seem to have a big sweeping epic planned involving Hell and other supernatural characters, so I'd be very interested to see you put forth an app for that. I'd say don't get rid of the vanilla app just in case, but you can proceed with the Rider version and me and my fellow GMs will make a judgment call from there. As far as using those characters, that's fine. I'm just glad to see characters like Hex and Frankenstein being utilized, given they usually draw the short straw.