[quote=@Morden Man]I like the sound of this. Let's revisit this idea once you've got your feet under you a little in the IC thread. Also, a little unrelated, but as much as I love shit-posting, I find it almost refreshing to talk openly about what we have planned in the OOC thread. It's nice to discuss ideas with people out in the open rather than in PMs or on Discord. I know we all like to have the element of surprise (and I know I certainly fetishize "reveals" a little bit) but it can sometimes be a little isolating to see people posting day after day as if ideas come to them like manna from heaven, when really it's because they thrash [i]everything[/i] out behind closed doors. We should do that out in the open more often, I think. Inbetween the GIFs, memes and dick jokes, obviously. [/quote] I'm actually playing pretty fast and loose for this one. Once my initial arc with the flying killer robots from the Fleischer cartoons is done, I've intentionally left the majority of my slate blank in order to have run-ins with other characters. Luthor's gonna do what he do and steer Superman into conflicts with the other heroes-- Wonder Woman and Thor would both be potentially entertaining dust-ups, some sort of encounter with Flash or Spider-Woman would be fun, and of course he'd have to run into Batman if only to get all the worn-out "durr-hurr-hurr he said Martha" jokes out of the way-- before Clark finally gets wise and confronts Lex himself, culminating in the creation of the old Superman Revenge Squad (or whatever I end up calling it) and Supes graduating into his big-boy costume. I'm holding off on the heavy-hitting villains like Zod, Brainiac, etc, until Year Two, but if anyone feels like using some of Supes' B-list villains, gimme a holler.