[center][h1]The World Undone[/h1] (1905--)[/center] [hider=Orders] - Posting IC will be immensely beneficial to you as a player. It is, however, not necessary. This is designed so that you can still send in your orders if you are too busy to post, but posting IC will provide a tangible bonus to your DRM (Die Roll Modifier). - Each [b]Turn[/b] represents one In-Game Month. The player will submit [b]3 Orders[/b]. - Each order is then subject to a 1d6 roll. A 6 means a perfect execution and a 1 means a horrible failure. Posting IC gives you a +2 die roll to a single order, or a +1 die roll to all three. [Specified at the end of your IC post.]. This means that more active players are rewarded. - [b]Orders[/b]: * [b][color=yellow]Economic[/color][/b]: An order designed to benefit the nation economically. * [b][color=red]Military[/color][/b]: An order designed to affect your military. * [b][color=green]Diplomacy[/color][/b]: An order designed to conduct diplomacy. * [b][color=blue]Imperialism[/color][/b]: Exploring and developing new lands. * [b][color=gold]Conference[/color][/b]: Used to call a [i]Political[/i] or [i]Military[/i] Conference. Select which nations to invite. Begins a [b]Conference[/b]. (See PM for rules).[/hider][hider=Tensions] 1. [b]City-State of Julia[/b]: 5 / 5 Tensions with [b][color=gray]Holy Empire of Vigentino[/color][/b]. 2. [b]Kingdom of Cadia[/b]: 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Kingdom of Etelia[/b] - 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]High Kingdom of Itherae[/b] - 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Cydernian Republic[/b] - 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Melgaria[/b] 3. [b]Empire of Tyria[/b]: 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Republic of Escya[/b] - 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]High Kingdom of Itherae[/b] - 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Cydernian Republic[/b] - 2 / 5 Tensions with [b]Helrox Empire[/b] 4. [b]Helrox Empire[/b]: 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Republic of Escya[/b] - 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Holy Empire of Vigentino[/b] 5. [b]Toubrés Empire[/b]: 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Kingdom of Etelia[/b] 6. [b]Republic of Ustrela[/b]: 1 / 5 Tensions with [b]Parakan Republic[/b] [/hider][hider=World Maps][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/f6G2ZIS.png[/img] [i]Eurania and Faresia, 1905[/i][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/wM70lU6.png[/img] [i]The Fifth Continent, 1905[/i][/center][/hider] [hr][hr] [center][u]Turn 5[/u][/center][center][b][h2]May, 1905[/h2][/b][/center] [b][u]May 1st[/u][/b] [indent][b][color=olive]Parakan[/color][/b] Minister of Defense Ameyalli Coeget is given a spending budget of $500,000 a year to bolster the ranks of the dilapidated Parakan Armed Forces. On the first of May, 1905 the first official recruitment drives began--aiming at targeting a strong army for a strong Paraka with the official slogan of "[i]Peace through Strength[/i]." Initial analysis believed that it would be a tough sell given the relative isolation of the Fifth Continent, but recent "military training exercises" on the Southern border suddenly saw recruitment increases in the Southern Territories by 500%. While initially only targeted at the Army, the drive seemed so successful that $5,000 was turned to the Parakan Navy, with several hundred sailors enlisting right out of Vashamaqak in the first few hours of the campaign. They would be relegated mostly to coastal and shore duties, but turn out appeared to be exceptional, at least for now. [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e3/33/bd/e333bdf4ddedabdcea49937f45357c5e--pinup-posters-the-wave.jpg[/img] [i]A Parakan military propaganda poster, 1905[/i][/center][/indent] [b][u]May 2nd[/u][/b] [indent]The [b][color=brown]Kingdom of Cadia[/color][/b] sends Foreign Minister to the [b]City-State of Julia[/b], via Melgaria to negotiate a trade deal. [hider=Cadian Proposal] - Cadia will send [REDACTED] troops to [REDACTED] in the region of [REDACTED]. - Julia will allow the discount of [REDACTED] at the price of [REDACTED] for 1 rifle. - Julia will allow the discount of the [REDACTED] at the price of [REDACTED] per 1 field gun per - [REDACTED] from [REDACTED]. - [REDACTED] from [REDACTED][/hider] However, on May 2nd Graham disembarked on the Melgaria Veséntu line due to "war time activities" and was forced to take a carriage into July. Later in the afternoon while leaving an inn and preparing for the second leg of the four day journey, he and his two Cadian guardsmen were apprehended by Vigentan Imperial Guardsmen outside of the city of Tepizzo. His trade proposal was confiscated and handed to Vigentan High Command in Cogoli (received later that week) and he was held at a local barracks as a prisoner until his fate was decided. - [[b][color=brown]Kingdom of Cadia[/color][/b] gains +1 Tension with the [b][color=gray]Holy Empire of Vigentino[/color][/b].][/indent] [b][u]May 3rd[/u][/b] [indent]In the [b][color=yellow]High Kingdom of Itherae[/color][/b], the [u]Itheraen Bureau of Weapons[/u] invites [b]Myrmidon Arms[/b] to develop a crew manned field gun with the following requirements. - Possibility to be crewed by no more than [REDACTED]. 2. Use [REDACTED] caliber shells. 3. Have a maximum firing range of [REDACTED]. 4. Minimum Fire rate of [REDACTED]. 5. Have a [REDACTED] to protect [REDACTED]. The CEO of Myrmidon Arms reportedly filed the paperwork away into a filing cabinet labeled "No Deadline" and went about his day.[/indent] [b][u]May 4th[/u][/b] [indent]In the [b][color=brown]Kingdom of Cadia[/color], an investment of $1,500,000 is set aside for the Grand Library of Markus, a three story tall public library. The historian and architect Hans Eberstark was appointed to lead the design and it would be slated to finish sometime in 1908.[/b][/indent] [b][u]May 5th[/u][/b] [indent]The Toubrian diplomat Valério Lopes, a nobleman from the East Coast of Toubres is sent to the Serene Empire of Tara, with instructions to present a formal alliance invitation to the Empress. Whether or not the Tarantese Empire accepted or modified the terms would remain up to them.[/indent] [b][u]May 6th[/u][/b] [indent]In the [b][color=crimson]Helrox Empire[/color][/b], the stirring Kaiser began to send out feelers to the Sladic nations such as Melgaria and Cydernia. On May 6th, the Kaiser had sent the following letter: "[i]Dear King Itonzo, With the war to the west, it is believed that the Helrox Empire and the Kingdom of Melgaria become even closer, aside from the already guarantee of Independence which we provide, we would like to offer additional resources to help grow out friendship and increase security in the region. The Empire of Helrox would like to offer Major General Redwulf Yulsig and Lieutenant General Dresvan Groslig as military advisors to help train the Melgarian Army Provide a loan of 100,000,000 to help train, and equip a Melgarian army with an interest rate of 3% however the Generals Redwulf and Dresvan would have final approval of all funds. Allow a treaty of Open Borders between our two nation to allow the freedom of trade and resources to flow along with people. Finally a pact of Nonaggression with one another. Signed Kaiser Jakob Von Steeb[/i]" The petty King Simon Itonzo however felt that the Helrox had given them crass advice in the handling of the Cadian situation. With the Helrox already guaranteeing their independence, why spend needless funds on an army and take money that was unnecessary? "We have the Helrox Army to protect us," King Itonzo allegedly proclaimed at a staff meeting. "It has been marked the Melgarian Second Army on our maps." Kaiser Jakob von Steeb would not receive an official reply to his letter.[/indent] [b][u]May 7th[/u][/b] [indent]May 7th would become forever become known [b]Communion Day[/b] in both the [b][color=blue]Toubrés Empire[/color][/b] and the [b][color=yellow]Illesian Kingdom[/color][/b] as the "[u]Prenuptial Agreement between King Avandre VII Gustere of the Illesian Kingdom and Empress Maia Bastos of the Toubres Empire[/u]" was signed, to much fanfare in both nations. The custom of an Illesian and a Toubrian coming together--often in a hug and kiss on the cheek--was born on this day. [u]Article 1[/u]. All wealth and authority of King Avandre VII Gustere, hereafter referred to as 'the King', and Empress Maia Bastos, hereafter referred to as 'the Empress', shall remain wholly divided and under the control of their respective Monarchs, so as to ensure the continued functioning of the Illesian Kingdom and the Toubres Empire as two separate States, even as their Monarchs unite in marriage. [u]Article 2[/u]. Inheritance given to heirs shall be determined at the discretion of the King and Empress if such a time comes necessary through a living will, and if heirs become apparent. [u]Article 3[/u]. Should either Monarch die of causes that are not natural or related to old age, and there is no predetermined heir or predetermined distribution of inheritance among heirs, the wealth and authority of the Monarch that prematurely dies shall be transferred by following the inheritance laws of their respective State, with no inheritance going to the living spouse. [u]Article 4[/u]. The King and Empress, by using their respective wealth and authority, shall support one another militarily and diplomatically. [u]Article 5[/u]. The King and Empress shall maintain regular contact and discussion on matters of State, Military, and Economy. [u]Article 6[/u]. Should either the King or Empress not follow the Articles of this Agreement without first suing for divorce from the other party, it shall be considered a casus belli. [u]Article 7[/u]. This agreement shall remain in effect unless a divorce between the King and Empress occurs. King Avandre VII Gustere [x] Empress Maia Bastos [x][/indent]