Since we're apparently sharing our plans (nix the spoilers), I might as well toss in my two cents. My plans for Frank, like Andy's plans for Superman, are a bit fast and loose. Right now all I've really got planned is that Silvio Manfredi is the boss of the two guys who killed Frank's family (thanks to Henry for suggesting it btw), Frank wants to topple his organization and then kill him, and so he's gotta get into gunfights with Manfredi's mooks along the way. I do know that I want the last action-y post of this first year to be a high intensity shootout that pays homage to either the mansion shootout from A Better Tomorrow II, the church shootout from the Killer, or the airport terminal shootout from Max Payne 3. Not to mention that I have a neat (if underdeveloped) idea for a spin on this universe's version of Silvermane (that I should probably run by Henry to see if he has any similar plans or not). So basically, I have the basic idea for the ending in my head, and I'm just figuring out what happens on the way to that ending as I go along. Of course, Henry and I, playing two of New York's resident heroes (though that term is a bit flexible when it comes to Frank), have a crossover lined up as well.