I have an overall idea on where my season is going, but not a strict outline of beat by beat planning. In Gwen's world, she'll be going into Senior Year of high school with all the emotions and drama of that. In Spider-Woman's world, I'm planning on having an escalating gang war that will bleed into a superhuman arms race for dominance of the city, which is also how some of the new versions of Spidey's rogues will come about. Hoping to have the two dance with one another in the ways all great Spider-(Wo)Man stories do. I also have smaller, self contained arcs that deal with introducing villains like Vulture, Firefly (loaned graciously by MB), and Electro that I can fit in as "filler" here and there that don't deal directly with the story at large. Wouldn't mind showing up in Gotham or Metropolis here and there as well.