[quote=@Blue Demon] [b]Character you have created:[/b] [indent]Christine "Chris" Wilson[/indent] [b]Alias:[/b] [indent]Gargoyle[/indent] [b]Speech Color:[/b][indent][color=d1d0ce]Grey Goose, D1D0CE[/color][/indent] [b]Character Alignment:[/b] [indent]Hero[/indent] [/quote] Just let us know when you are done editing the character sheet. Once you are done with that, I will try to approve it as soon as I can. [quote=@Jaredthefox92] Oh crap, I forgot to post this. Anyways, I'm going to be sort of busy for now with studying so I'm sorry if I've gotten a bit behind as of late. [/quote] No problem. Life always comes before the internet. [quote=@Hound55] Hey... I'm not the one who "Like"d it... Frankly, [@nitemare shape] I'm shocked and appalled. [/quote] I mean...he is the one who has been suggesting that Arachne's next career path is a cam girl...