[@The Jest] Mike inspected his now bleeding hand for a few minutes with an angry sigh while he waited for Ty and Lucemon to get to him. He checked his bag and wrapped a bandage round his hand. "For a wall made of Digital code, it certainly felt real when I punched it" Mike though to himself before noticing Wolfy worry for him and assured is partner by stroking his head. He stop once Ty got to him and asked him what was wrong as he said "Well, simply put, I hope you know what happens when someone dies in this world because one of those Digidestained was killed by Gotsumon. AI reported it to me in Agumon place". Mike was trying to remain calm but knew that would be difficult. He had to though, otherwise he risked spilting open his knuckles once again. -- Agumon groaned in pain as he forced himself to try and stand, his vision was still blurred from taking Dorumon attack head on and then crash landing. However he was able to witness Gotsumon kill one of the humans, and then two more when they charged him. He also witnessed a new human being brought into the fold. But he quickly limped away before anyone could see him. Agumon then leaned against the tree once he was hidden to try and recover when he heard his somewhat broken Communicater come to life to hear the crackling voice of AI as he told him the situation and Agumon sighed painfully hearing the mission had failed. "No shit, Sherlock" Agumon said to himself, he had heard General Bloodwolf and Emperor Ty use the term when The General was picking out members of his black ops team. Pressing his com, AI would hear the crackling voice of Agumon as he said "I'm by the river next to the large tree with orange leaves, get here fast. The humans and Doromon are not far from me and I don't have the energy to fight them right now"