Ernest contacts the unknown vessel. "Hello? This is Ernest of the... Ernest. I can't understand you very well, your com system seems to be damaged. I'll try to help you if I can, but I don't have many options... Best way insure your safety is to get you onto my deck, but I don't have a practical way to do that. May, if you can hear me, I'm going to fly closer to you and see if I can get your ship closer enough to me for you to board me. I don't have any kind of tractor beam, but I might be able to string out some of my repair robots and get them to grab your ship and pull you towards an entrance. I don't think they will actually be able to repair your ship, though. And, in case I did not make it clear, I am in fact the battleship you see before you. I'm not the captain of the ship, I [i]am[/i] the ship. I don't have time to explain the details, I'll explain more once I get you to safety." Ernest flies (somewhat slowly do to his mass) closer to Fanny May's ship and, once close enough, attempts to gather up repair pods to have them grab ahold of each other to form a chain to reach out and try to grab Fanny's ship. [quote] ATTEMPTING ASSIGNING REPAIR PODS IN A CHAIN-LIKE FORMATION. PODS GATHERED, ATTEMPTING TO FORM CHAIN STRUCTURE... [hr] DORM SENSOR REPAIR: 75%. DORMs SCANNED.... 25%. NO NOTABLE INSTANCES FOUND. [/quote] (Hey GM man, I'm leaving it up to you on whether or not Ernest can actually chain his pods out. And if he can, you can assume that he attempts to pull Fanny May's ship in) [hider=As for my offor] Still up, but not for much longer. I'll close it next turn I get unless I can come up with a good reason not to. [/hider]