[@knifeman] POSSUM SISTER!!! POSSSSSSUUUUMMMM SISTERRRRRR!!! I think Maybell is going to be adorable, I just hope she doesn't get shoved in the bag of holding. O.O Her need to solve problems may be a [i]problem[/i] but I really like that as a character trait. The party really is going to have a lot of different situations that don't favor curtain members of the party. And this really makes me look forward to seeing what kind of trouble or band of misfits is going to get into. [@Landaus Five-One] HUMAN SISTER! HUUUMMAAAAAN SISTERRRRRR!!! Overall I really like Rhaya, her kind of combat expertise is probably going to be needed down the line. Though I feel her medium spells are a little strange, I might just be misunderstanding something. But 6-10 minutes delays on her wind wall/ tempest strike? That seems like a really long time for something that is to be used in combat. Aside from that though she looks great. And I'm excited to she her run around with the gang.