Erebus faded slowly, his real self waking up, fading back in as it were. after a while pondering the vivid dream he shrugged and stood, showering, dressing and making his way to school for another day, as of late, it had seemed as if the real world was more and more dreamlike. _______ Dice nodded, tilting his head and picked up a large reptilian skull, tilting it back and forth. he then grinned and put it on his head, sneeking up behind Lin so that when she turned to ask the question she'd come nose to nose with him "rawr!" he called as she did so. laughing even if she didn't jump. just because it was amusing for him. "Kinda, its a bit....weird for me, just because I feel like I should be dead and all. and here I am drinking tea and going round a museum."