[color=blue][i]Is this it? Is this how I am going to go out? Death by elephant?[/i][/color] Rebecca thought as she saw the elephant's foot about to slam into her. She heard the voice of the saint calling out to her, but she couldn't make up the words that were said as she tunnel-visioned on the impending doom the foot meant. At that moment, however, was when Rebecca felt a pair of hands scoop her from the doom that awaited her and the impending shower of blood that followed from a crazed Maggie spouting nonsense about being a flower. Rebecca looked at Hal for a few moments in awe as she witnessed him retreating to the rafters. That was when she both heard and understood the voice's words once again. [color=gold][i]Rebecca, are you ok?![/i][/color] Rebecca looked at herself. Strangely, aside from a crack in her glasses and an ache in her back from where she was slammed she felt and saw no immediately concerning injuries. [color=blue][i]Y-yeah.[/i][/color] [color=gold][i]Get up. The battle is not over. Forget about Xerxes for now, your friend seems to have him handled. For now, that elephant must be dealt with before it causes more havoc.[/i][/color] [color=blue][i]Right..[/i][/color] Rebecca used the sword of St. Catherine she still held in her hands to get up, regaining her balance on her feet as she witnessed rock hitting the elephant. However, she spotted a bigger danger: the elephant heading straight to Maggie. Despite her instincts screaming that what she was about to do was foolish and would probably get her killed, Rebecca charged once again. This time with both hands she raised her sword in a yell at a different target: the elephant's tusks. If she couldn't block the attack itself she could at least try to divert the deadly monstrosity from the enraged and very scary Maggie.