Good morning, afternoon and evening (depending on where and when you are when you read this). My name is Malice and I am apparently not a new member, having created this account some four years ago (and then promptly abandoned it). Indeed, as I tried to register, someone had taken the username'Malice', to which I thought 'damn, time to roll out the next name', only to realise the taker had just me a previous version of myself. So hello. I roleplayed for many years from my early to late teens; originally I started on forums with my basic one liners and, over the years, developed into the kind of roleplayer that can write a short novel for a response; I also roleplayed on online games, primarily on the granddaddy of them all, Ultima Online. When I went to college I branced out from online roleplaying to old school roleplaying, with D&D and oWoD, which I later went on from player to GM. The intention was to take my GMing with me to university and run regular games but, somehow between the drinking, the frivolities and the occasional lecture, this never quite got past the character creation stage. I also had more of an offline social life, so my online roleplaying life, too, faded. This was some many years ago now and, for some reason, I feel the need to rekindle this old love, for roleplaying was something I enjoyed tremendously, regardless of its format. I enjoyed a variety of settings/genres, from dystopian cyberpunk to high fantasy to 'slice of life', and brought along with me a myriad of bright and colourful (and sometimes very morose) characters. Even ten years on, I can still recall some of my favourite characters, whether they were of my creation or whether they belonged to the partner I was roleplaying with. I do hope that I can find some of that old joy here! I look forward to meeting some of you (and your characters) and, hopefully, becoming a regular member of this community. Can I hear a huzzah for roleplaying?