Silence. That was all she could hear as she woke. That was all she had been able to hear for the past few months she had been trapped in here. Being deaf, was not a comforting thing to her. The idiots here made sure she wasn't able to hear anything by covering her ears with some sort of noise canceling ear-things. They made it so that any noise that was in the vicinity, was nullified. And if she even tried to remove them, she was given a very unpleasant zap of electricity. By doing this simple act, they rendered her powerless. Not only that, her cell was anechoic. The walls, floor, and ceiling were made out of 3.3 foot thick fiberglass wedges. Underneath them was a wall made out of insulated steel, and a foot of concrete. Suspended above the floor wedges was a metal grate, which was what she was currently standing on. Its what the bed, toilet, and anything else in the room was set on. This simple room design made any noise created in the room, fade into silence within seconds. Other than the bed, and the toilet, the only other thing not made out of the material was the cameras they used to watch her. Even the door to her cell was made in the anechoic style. From inside, you wouldn't even be able to tell where the door was. Alexis Sinclair, AKA Audiophile, was completely powerless in this room. She supposed that was supposed to make her scared. It didn't. It just made her angry. She gave a somber sigh and sat up on her bed, and looked around the room. Having so little human contact for months on end would probably drive other people crazy. Fortunately for her, she had lost her metaphorical marbles long before she was stuffed in here. So instead of going crazy, She felt an unending, massive irritation and anger towards the bastards that locked her in here. Used to, her days were spent partying at a club, destroying a city block for the lulz, going to a rave, brutally killing someone just for fun, or even be a the best part time DJ this world had ever seen. Now, her days were filled with either pacing, standing around doing nothing, sitting in a corner of her room like a helpless little kid, and fantasizing about all she would do to the people in this place. It reminded her too much of the time when she was trapped in that research facility. That was a huge mistake these assholes had made. There was little she could do about it now, however. As long as she was rendered deaf and was stuck in this anechoic chamber, she could hardly resist them, let alone break out. At least for now. They would slip up eventually. When they did, she would make them [i]suffer[/i] for this. Each and everyone of them. And if she ever got her hands on the warden...oh now that would be [i]fun[/i]. She couldn't help but to giggle madly at the things she was going to do to him. First, off would come his ears. Then, she wondered how well he would handle having his limbs slowly cut off. Oh but she couldn't do it all here. No, she would have to kidnap him and take him somewhere more...private, to have her fun with him. No sense in sticking around here and getting caught while she was busy having her fun with the man. The thought of escaping and torturing the warden of this prison until he was nothing but a husk of his former self was the only thing that kept her going while she was trapped in here. She sat against her bed, and began to laugh madly at the mere thought of it. It would happen. It would. She would escape, and he would suffer. She just needed to wait. Yes, wait. They would slip up, and she would tear all of them to tiny little bloody pieces.