Her heartbeat was steadily increasing as she looked around her cell. She paid careful attention to the man's voice as he gave her instructions regarding her next move. This stunt didn't seem like a game, not if she'd been taken against her will. But how that happened, let alone who she was and how she ended up there, was up for debate. At the moment, any non-essential questions she was dying to ask would just have to wait. It didn't take long for her to retrieve the box containing said items from underneath the bed, just where he had announced it would be. As the stranger went on over the loudspeaker, his words seemed to make less sense than the previous ones. Whatever this was, she had to move fast. The cell doors opened, startling the poor woman but making her move from her spot. She swiftly exited her cell and went left down the hall, careful with her steps as to not be too loud.