[@Zanderkvothe] The thing is, we already have so many players that I'm having to try and figure out new ways of formatting my posts or new patterns/cycles to posting to try and strike a balance between not spamming back-and-forth, not running myself ragged keeping up with everything, and not forgetting what people are doing where when what why (and then I seem to constantly miss a detail here and there anyway >_<). I really hate to discourage anyone, but I think it's partly my failing as a GM and partly just the unwieldy nature of a semi-sandbox RP like this that makes me say I don't think we can handle any more members right now. Given that you've also said you're not sure if you could commit, it might be best if you either use whatever idea you had for your adaptive version, or maybe just wait a while and see if things change in the future for either your schedule, or my competence as a GM.