Also, actually typing up that admission about not reading IC posts made me feel really regretful, giving me a bit of perspective of how that sounds. I'm the GM, I should be ontop of shit in the IC aswell as the OOC to make sure everything's kosher, at the very least. Or be able to provide a reference for what the current events are in-game for curious newcomers that are either thinking about applying or are out of the loop. I apologize to all of you and am making a vow that henceforth, I shall remain up-to-date on the goings on of the game and will begin reading every post that isn't mine from the beginning right now. I won't "like" a post until I've fully read it. If I've already liked your post, you'll be getting an unlike followed by a new like. [b][i]This has been a public service announcement by Master Bruce.[/i][/b]