This is a [i]tentatively[/i] finished profile. It may need some adjusting, but the general make-up is - I feel - in a very good direction. [hider=The Alchemist] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Appearance:[/b] He is a somewhat tall and imposing figure clad in black with a gray cape and cowl, and wearing the bird mask of a plague doctor. This is, of course, due to his profession. No, not as a doctor, although medicine can be seen within his trade. He is an alchemist, and these items warn are to protect him from dangerous exposures and generally aid him in his exploits. And although he is not so physically strong as a fighter, per se, what he has is quickness and agility, spring in his step and speed in his feet. For is it not thus, that you cannot hope to outrun explosions otherwise? Indeed, good sir. Indeed. Underneath this spooky garb, though, is a man who seems decent enough to look at. Dark-blue eyes, black hair, a pleasant...if There lies with this one that spark of madness. You can see it in his eyes, mind always alive with ideas and compounds. [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Name:[/b] Professor Daryl Von Madness [b]Title:[/b] Master of Change [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Background:[/b] Earth sucks. Everybody knows it, and everybody is at fault. That's the awful truth, and it isn't one that Daryl liked. Yeah, his real name is Daryl. He wouldn't care if people across the globe knew that. Why would it matter when the chance of anyone coming to your home because you used your first name online were nil to the point of zero? There were other reasons, simpler reasons, but that to happen. Because, right now, Earth sucks. Might've mentioned. He was raised in a world where pollution had gone out of control, where his parents wanted the best for him, but there wasn't really a 'best' to offer him, only a kind of desire or a hope, a goal. Like what? Like a chance to put things back, if at all possible. The world - or at least countries in it - was pretty much owned by corporations, conglomerates, rich business types, and so on. It was sort of like this old tabletop game made over a hundred years ago where magic had returned to the world and technology had soared, but so had the dangers of the entire world, where you'd be some kind of mercenary running the shadows in order to make your living. Real life wasn't that interesting, sad to say. Yes, at a time like this, you pine for even a [i]crapsack[/i] world that doesn't exist. But what Daryl's father wanted was a world where the sciences pushed back this pollution enough to recover some of the land and make the world more liveable again. Pipe dream? Maybe, but his dad was working for a chemical research company whose owners decided that the best way to increase profits was to find some way to remove the poison in the air or bring it down enough to make Earth more liveable. More than being hailed as heroes, people would be tripping over each other to give them everything, just to breathe a little easier. They wanted to be the new gods, and as much as that was a selfish ego trip, it had a positive effect. If they could chemically treat the air to be more pure, someone else could find a way to breed plants back into the world agaiin, and someone [i]else[/i] could handle [i]another[/i] problem. The possibility was so hopeful back then that not only was his old man into it, but so was Daryl. He wanted to learn, he wanted to throw himself into this. The going for that...was a bit rough. There was plenty enough knowledge in their home to get him into it, to learn the elements, molecular chains, and all that business. But for school...that was a little difficult. His father was basically getting a small bonus to work overtime on what was putting a price on altruism, saving the world and all that crap. It didn't put them in the tuition bracket. That required a bit of a deal... He managed to convince someone higher up that educating Daryl meant making him viable in the future for where and what he wanted to work at, in future time, and a loan was made. This turned his bonus into a paycut, which made things very hard at home, but that just made Daryl more dedicated. However, even as the years passed and he slowly-but-surely became a man...the daunting nature of the problem became more clear. This was something that NOBODY had ever done. No one. The company was getting all kinds of research done in the interim, putting the competition in day-to-day business behind them, for a pittance. [i]They[/i] were not worried. As long as they got to make more profit in the interim, the project could take [i]decades[/i], for all they cared, and the project was already reaching its second as Daryl became a young chemical engineer. Truthfully, it seemed like the men up top had no confidence in the project at all. They were content that they were pushing farther, and that is why they did not cancel it. During the darkest days of potential disillusionment, when he could get some time, his manditory rest periods were spent doing what haad started while he was still getting educated to now, the MMO known as YGGDRASIL. This was a fantasy world, a magitek world, and a brutal world...but it was somehow more pure, desireable, and fun. He didn't join the Guild in the beginning. He hadn't even known that they [i]existed[/i]. No, he began on his own, initially, out of a desire to explore and to [i]experiment[/i]. The game's system of magic and alchemy was nowhere near as difficult as [i]actual[/i] chemistry, which was why he spent alot of time working on two things. The first was his abilities. He had magic, but the alchemy offered some possibilities that magic alone could not cover. He could produce his own potions, for one, and it went far beyond that. Indeed, he had begun to test out new and different formulas, create explosives, and look into new possibilities. At this time, of course, he came across people who wanted to attack him in his comparatively-weak form. That was where his [i]second[/i] focus, his escapes. Smoke bombs, bad status fields, and teleporting at complete random became his means of eluding trouble. It didn't matter where he ended up. Monsters were predictable. People were not. One day, however, the mad professor felt that he had accrued enough combat ability to truly make an impact. The bird-masked fellow became synonymous with chaos, as he brewed and tossed around potions and tinctures that would alter the face of every battlefield, every fight, and every being he flung it at. This was his calling, as the alchemic genius, the prestigeous potion-maker, the Master of Change! The actual character's backstory was a simple one, telling of a man who - while being of ordinary upbringing - was the descendant of a madman. No, not A madman, but THE madman, Baron Von Madness! Yes, the Baron, who was a skilled and cunning rogue and villainous mastermind! Some say that he was an affluent gentleman of noble birth that simply lost it one day. Others say that he was of fae descent and was never quite right, from beginning to end. Indeed, others wonder if he ever died in the first place. He had offspring, and a humble sorcery with a talent for mixing concoctions was one of them! He told this to a fellow player and the other guy laughed and said "Buddy, is there ever a Guild for you.". It took a little time and messaging, but he managed to get them on board with allowing him to join. A truly powerful Guild would give him [i]one thing[/i] that he definitely lacked in his adventures...and that was companionship. [b]Personality:[/b] And herein lies the duality of Daryl... In his normal everyday life, Daryl is calm, studious, and possessing a high work ethic. He IS dedicated to his work, but the time he's put into this has been steadiily making him more cynical about it. He is irritated, sometimes grumpy, at the lack of results and having to spend any of his work hours on anything but the project. No one was allowed to work on that exclusively, though, which meant that progress was a snail's pace by comparison to what it [i]could be[/i]. That was what put Daryl in mind for a little escapism. He was too serious with his life, because life was too serious, overall. His capacity for play suffered somewhat, only satiated by YGGDRASIL, which he loves. When he dons the mask to become the mad professor, he's able to cut loose and think how he wants, not to worry about his day-to-day life, about how everything sucks and it was all probably going to die. That was the reason for ALOT of escapism, but you can imagine how hard that might weigh on someone who's trying to DO something about it. The Master of Change tends to speak in the tone of an off-the-cuff and unhinged sort of guy. His indoor voice takes a powder every once and a while, especially when he feels a might bit maniacal. He can be described as devious, coy, highly-educated, and even humorous as the situation calls for it. These are overshadowed in times when he is delivering a mad announcement, followed by evil laughter...and he's [i]good[/i] at the laughter. It can be said that the game is simply thereputic for him, as though he needs some kind of release and perception of being successful and brilliant to keep him from worrying about how his life goals don't seem to be panning out. Tragedy is always worse for those who care, and that is ultimately what dwells within Daryl. He is a caring individual who wants to fix stuff, change it, alter its outcome - the things he's always believed in and wanted to do his entire life. It's all he has, unless somebody out there comes up with some kind of miracle. [b]Class:[/b] Sorcerer [b]Subclass:[/b] Alchemist [u]Level:[/u] 100 [u]Health:[/u] S ---> S [u]Mana:[/u] SS ---> SSS [u]Strength:[/u] AAA ---> AAA [u]Agility:[/u] S ---> X [u]Intelligence:[/u] SS ---> X [u]Stamina:[/u] S ---> SSS [u]Physical Resist:[/u] S ---> SS [u]Magic Resist:[/u] S ---> SSS [u]True Resist:[/u] AA ---> AA [h3][b]SKILLS>>>>>[/b][/h3] [b]Spells:[/b] Sorcerers and their Alchemist counterparts take part in more unusual spells than straight attack mages. Spells with effects attached, much like alchemic potions, are more their style. [i]Greater Acid Storm[/i] - A damage-over-time AoE spell at the top tier of the acid track. Weakens or outright destroys equipmentcarried by all but the caster as they are harmed by a continuous acidic rain. [i]Obscuring Chaotic Mist[/i] - A swirling mist of chaotically-charged particles that reduces visibility to a great degree and gradually damages enemy targets with chaos damage. A high immunity to blindness is required to see farther than a few feet into the mist. [i]Greater Sonic Blast[/i] - A sudden shockwave blast fired outwards from the caster. It assaults the senses and causes force damage to all targets in range. Said targets will be unable to concentrate on Spells or Actions for a short time. [i]Full Moon Madness[/i] - Crazy dancing lights shoot through the area to cause a great drop in accuracy and evasion, as well as a high chance of the confusion status, while in the area of effect and one minute after. [i]Plague of Ages[/i] - An area-of-effect bio-poison spell that reduces all physical stats and afflicts those in range with a poison status that eats away at the HP bar. Requires a potion of greater antidote or equivalent spell to lift in the field. [i]Curse of Ages[/i] - An area-of-effect darkness-hexing spell that reduces all physical stats and afflicts those in range with a mana burning status, eating away at the MP bar. Requires a spell of greate exorcism or similar effect to lift in the field. [i]Greater Polymorph: Self[/i] - Transform into a higher-level creature indigenous to the area for one minute. Treat the creature's stats as own during that time and HP and MP bars as extra bars until time is up or they are exhausted. [i]Baleful Polymorph[/i] - Transform target into random low-level creature, the target's new stats to replace its usual ones for one minute or until dead. Be warned! Rewards claimed from target will match that of creature if slain while in this form! [i]Greater Transmution[/i] - Felled opponents and monsters, or indeed objects in range of this spell, will yield extra materials for use in alchemic formulas and constructed items. [i]Create Homunculi[/i] - Should there be dead on the battlefield or materials on-hand, the alchemist may breathe new life into the fresh bodies to create artificial beings to serve him. [i]Create Flesh Golems[/i] - Should there be ALOT of dead on the battlefield or plenty of materials on-hand, the alchemist may force these bodies together to create living golems of flesh and blood. [i]Create Chimeric Monster[/i] - Should there be a number of monsters dead or several monster remnants on hand, the alchemist may create a high-level chimera-type monster. Results may vary. [i]Alchemic Reaction[/i] - This spell allows for the creation of different potions, explosives, and other dangerous mixtures in quick order, so long as the materials necessary are within reach and useable. [i]Greater Remove Curse[/i] - Because potions do not necessarily remove all kinds of hexes and that you can't always depend on items, no matter HOW great, this spell removes magical ailment statuses. [i]Greater Teleportation[/i] - As opposed to the low-level 'Get me out of here' magic displacement spell he used prior, this is a more controllable form of the teleport spell which requires only a prior targeting to destination to arrive there, precisely. [b]Actions:[/b] This will include passive kinds of effects that would be 'always on'. [i]Master Sorcerer[/i] - Always in effect. The knowledge of generations of passed-down magical skill is yours to command. (Increases the effectiveness of casted spells greatly, and at reduced MP cost. Increases Intelligence.) [i]Alchemic Lore[/i] - Always in effect. True understanding of compounds and elements, and how to shape them into miraculous mixtures, has been attained. (Chances of success in alchemy use is greatly increased, and uses less materials. Increases Intelligence.) [i]Fastball Special[/i] - A high-level throwing skill with greater accuracy. Allies can receive potion and items with ease. Enemies can be struck head-on more often. (Note, can be used to throw smaller enemies.) [i]Quick-Chug[/i] - Natural instinct for a situation has caused the alchemist to instinctively draw a necessary potion and down it like it was second nature, thus barely interrupting any action or spellcasting. [i]Wild Toss[/i] - The alchemist starts tossing dangerous items around completely at random and at a higher rate, but at reduced accuracy. It does, however, increase the chances of pure chaos unfolding. [i]Master Formula[/i] - Using materials at hand, create potions and tinctures in whatever quantity is needed. This will range from simple health potions to incredible elixirs and more! [i]Master Synthesis[/i] - Using the materials at hand, create an alchemically-treated item. This may include higher-level enhancements to items or creating new ones from scratch (includes gold.) [i]Whirling Spin Strike[/i] - Quarterstaff/pole-arm attack which uses the high revolutions of a staff-like weapon to hit multiple times. Carries the secondary effect of wind-blasting. (Can also be used for deflection and blocking maneuvers.) [i]Hundred Needle Jab[/i] - Quarterstaff/pole-arm attack that involves quick and darting strikes with one end of the weapon at an opponent mulriple times. Carries the secondary effect of piercing with force damage. [i]Slippery Customer[/i] - Agility increases greatly to avoid attacks and hazards coming his way. [b]Items:[/b] The goodies. [i]Mask of Remedies[/i] - Ultimate-level item. A plague doctor's mask soaked in all manner of chemicals and purified in the sun to become bleached-bone white. It is designed to grant total immunity towards bad status effects and debuffs alike. (Increases Stamina.) [i]Cloak of Whispering Shadows[/i] - Legendary item. A cape-and-cowl treated with the mists and ectoplasms of many ghostly apparitions to create a cloak which grants stealth and quick evasion (Agility upgrade) by appearing phantasmal and wraith-like when in use. [i]Quarterstaff of Sizable Woes[/i] - It is a Legendary staff of sorcerers and alchemists, but it is a light-weight and strengthened device made for quick strikes and swift moves, all while causing possible bad status effects to enemy's hit by it at random. (Increases Mana and Magic Resistance) [i]Medicinal Leather Gear[/i] - Our guy does not make use of heavy armor without severe penalty. Therefore, he wears lighter Legendary alchemic leather armor that reduces damage via the medicines it's been soaked in, released into the body when hit. (Increases Stamina.) [i]Gauntlets of Explosive Resistance[/i] If it goes boom, they will protect you. This Legendary Item protects the user from explosive damage, shockwaves, and also fire. (Increases Magic and Physical Resistance) [i]Boots of Springy Step[/i] - Otherwise known as Boots That Jump Good. A Legendary Item that grants higher Agility, especially in the act of leaping and jumping around. Great for getting in and out of trouble! [i]Loads of Potions![/i] - Higher health potions, strong mana potions, status ailment panaceas, life/energy-leeching potions, potions of swirling mist and smoke, potions that create snake pits, potions that erect huge walls, potions that summon completely random monsters, potions of random status ailment gas, potions of stone skin or stone dream, potions of fleet feet, and plenty more like that! [i]Loads of Explosives![/i] - Greek Fire bombs, bouncing bombs, cluster bombs, spike bombs, concussion bombs, corrosive bombs, freeze bombs, enemy-seeking bat-bombs, funky bombs, cadmium bone-crusher bombs, transmutation bombs, chaos bombs, The Holy Handgrenade of Antioch, and more! [i]Imperfect Philosopher Stone[/i] - Comes in three grades. A Flawed stone, which is Rare, merely imparts gold and materials at a bonus. An Imperfect stone, which is a Legendary Item, grants life and mana regeneration while in one's possession, and will sacrifice itself if the user is killed in battle. A Perfect stone, which is Transcendant, is said to be able to master life, death, and all transmutation properties, though nobody has ever seen one yet. Has to be created. You can't buy or discover any of them. [b]Species Trait:[/b] Master of none, no limitation in ability, but no particular strength. [b]Relation to other Guild Mates:[/b] Generally on good terms. With the people there playing to escape from the general woes of the outside world, Daryl tends to fit right in. He is the friendly joker, the wise council, the good doctor, and possibly one of the morale-boosters of the group. As he interacts with these people, so does he attain a peace of mind in his work. Even if he doesn't get along with precisely everyone, it's almost a guatantee that he remains civil with even those he might have trouble with. Why? Because this is their world, their life outside the box. [b]Other:[/b] I have no idea what to put down for Daryl's in-game personal gold. He's never going to buy in-game items, since it's tighter belts all-around the house for him, anyway. Greater Polymnorph: Self, which is quite powerful, is unlocked by the Master of Change title. [/hider]