[center] [img]http://images.mentalfloss.com/sites/default/files/styles/mf_image_16x9/public/american_infantry_chauchat.jpg?itok=vaWKpsRr&resize=1100x619[/img] [i]Brothers Raymond and Gustaf Relmanto of the Julian Homeguard saying goodbye to their parents.[/i] Foreign Minister Tyler Guborilli had been dispatched to the Helrox empire, with a guard of 12 Julian policemen as his security detail the old man had been dispatched through Melgaria and through Cadia to Helrox to avoid any unnecessary incidents should they occur. Meanwhile in the war room Viscount Zach Nato had finally got off his ass, his shoulder now sore and tight from the injury which was dubbed "The wake up call" Zach Nato had finally sent out the force the people had been asking for. Ironically though as he dealt with the refugees he may aswell of sent them back to Vigentino considered where they were relocated and what became of that location in such a sort peroid of time. Meanwhile near Zilorno, clean up began of almost two thousand Vigentino soldiers who met a untimely demise. Julian Guardsmen who had rarely ever seen combat pat themselves on the back at such an accomplishment for a defensive force. The Thambers are set up after the battle and it's anyone's idea of what Commander... Nicholas Fabreezo would do, he wasn't a grizzled vet like Killigan not like the old guard at all. Things settled down for the day as the dead were looted (for military purposes) and disposed of. Unbeknownst to the unit, in the west a push was coming for the capital. "Why do we have to go to Helrox" Complained senior constable Luis Martinez of the Julian constables. The minister was silent as they continued in his carriage under guard to Cadia through Melgaria. Hoping to turn the corner when they made it to Cadia and up to Helrox. "This war is a cruel, [u]terrible war[/u]. I want this to end as much as you do, but we have to take the orders we're given. Lest we become Vigentinions or something worse." [img]https://i.gyazo.com/a9e92aedea30c72e84b9f2c3c2ead878.png[/img] (+2 Military order #2) [/center]