[h2]Alexander[/h2] "I think we'll do just fine," Alexander replied, "No murderin' to be had here!" Well, he thought, so long as Ryker doesn't try to touch the knife again. He didn't expect most people to truly understand his obsession with that. The knife was special in more ways than one. It wasn't just a memento from his world, it was symbolic of his connection to Julie, his Stormwing. The knife had been made by folding the steel around one of Julie's feathers, and while there was no question the feather itself was no more, the whole thing was supposed to be metaphorical anyway. It was supposed to mean that even when he couldn't see the sky and she couldn't hear his whistle, they were still together and relying on one another. Sure, some of the students had objects they really liked, or maybe even mementos from home, but how many of them had something that was that significant to their time? He certainly hadn't met any that did. But, before too much longer, it was time for dinner. And after an afternoon facilitating introductions and helping Ryker find his way about the house, Alex was ready for a little solitude. So, he sat down a bit away from anyone else with his food, and started to eat, every so often glancing about to see if anybody was set on approaching him.